

词组 line
释义 line /laɪn/ SEE ALL
all along/down the ˈlineright down the ˈline (informal) completely; at every stage 完全地;在每个阶段;在每一点上We’ve had problems with this software all along the line. It was a complete waste of money.
He supported their campaign right down the line.
bring sb/sth into ˈline (with sb/sth)make sb/sth behave, function, etc. in the same way as other people, organizations, etc. 使…一致;使符合;(和…)一致We’re trying to bring our production methods more into line with our Japanese competitors.
He’s a very clever child but he’s naughty. I feel that he needs bringing into line a bit.
in line for sthlikely to get sth 有可能获得某物She’s in line for promotion.
in the ˌline of ˈdutywhile doing a job 在执行任务时;在履行职责时A police officer was injured in the line of duty yesterday.
(be) in/out of ˈline with sb/sthbe in agreement/disagreement with sth 同意/不同意某事;与…符合/不符合Her views on education are quite out of line with the official view.
The changes being made are in line with the new policy.
(choose, follow, take, etc.) the line of least reˈsistance(to choose, etc.) the easiest way of doing sth (走)阻力最小的途径;(采取)最省事的方法You’ll never get anywhere in life if you always take the line of least resistance.
line your (own)/sb’s ˈpocket(s) (informal) make a lot of money dishonestly, especially by stealing it from your employer 中饱私囊;发不义之财He’d been lining his pockets for years before it was discovered.
on the ˈline (of a job, your career, reputation, etc. 工作、事业、名誉等) at risk 面临风险;岌岌可危If I don’t get enough contracts this month, my job will be on the line.
By making such a controversial movie, he has really put his reputation on the line.
somewhere, etc. along/down the ˈlineat some particular moment or stage during sth 某一时刻;某一环节‘How did it happen?’ ‘I don’t know. I just know that somewhere along the line we stopped loving each other.’
The report looks at where the market is heading and what we can expect further down the line.
tread/walk a fine/thin ˈlinebe in a difficult or dangerous situation where you could easily make a mistake 处于困境(或险境);如履薄冰He was walking a fine line between being funny and being rude.
the ˌbottom ˈline (informal) the important conclusion, judgement, or result 重要的结论;根本的判定标准;最终结果We’ve had some success this year, but the bottom line is that the business is still losing money.今年我们取得了一些成绩,不过实际情况是公司还是在赔钱。draw a line in the ˈsandset a limit that you refuse to allow sth to go beyond 划定最后界限;设定底线The government is trying to draw a line in the sand regarding public sector pay rises.政府试图划定公职部门涨薪的上限。draw a ˈline under sth (BrE) say that sth is finished and not worth discussing any more 到…为止;就…打住The company is attempting to draw a line under its recent problems.这家公司试图使最近出现的问题就此打住,不再议论。draw the ˈline (at sth)refuse to do or accept sth 划定界线;拒绝做(或接受)I don’t mind cooking dinner for you occasionally, but I draw the line at ironing your shirts!偶尔给你做做晚饭无所谓,可是我不会给你熨衬衫!He refused to tolerate her lies any longer. The line had to be drawn somewhere.他不愿再忍受她的谎言,凡事必须要有个限度。drop sb a ˈline/ˈnote (informal) write a short letter, message, etc. to sb 给某人写短信(或便笺等)I dropped her a line inviting her to my birthday party.我给她留了张条子,邀请她来参加我的生日派对。the ˌend of the ˈroad/ˈlinethe point where sb/sth cannot continue 穷途末路;最终结局The workers see the closure of the pit as the end of the line for mining in this area.工人们把矿井的封填看作是当地采矿业的结束。It’s the end of the road for our relationship. We just can’t agree about anything any more.我们的关系到此为止,我们再也不可能在任何事情上达成一致。be in the ˈfiring line (BrE) (NAmE be on the ˈfiring line) be in a position where you are likely to be affected, attacked, criticized, etc. 处于易受影响(或攻击、批评等)的位置The newspapers are criticizing the government’s policy again, and the Prime Minister is in the firing line.报界又在攻击政府的政策了,首相也难逃谴责。In the latest round of spending cuts, teachers’ jobs are again in the firing line.在最近的经费缩减中,教师这一行再度受到冲击。take a firm ˈline/ˈstand (on/against sth)make your beliefs known and try to make others follow them (对…)采取坚定立场(或态度)We need to take a firm line on tobacco advertising.我们需要对烟草广告采取强硬的态度。They took a firm stand against drugs in the school.他们坚决反对校园吸毒现象。in the front line (of sth)doing work that will have an important effect on sth 在第一线;身处重要岗位a life spent in the front line of research在重要研究岗位度过的一生hook, line and ˈsinkerif you accept sth hook, line and sinker, you accept it completely, either because you have been deceived or because you believe things too easily 完全,毫无保留地(接受或相信某事)Are you telling me that you swallowed his absurd lies hook, line and sinker?你是说你完全相信了他可笑的谎言吗? NOTE All three words in this expression are items used for catching a fish. 这个表达法中的三个词均指钓鱼的工具。 a ˈhot line (to sb)a special telephone line to an important person, such as a president, etc. which is used in emergencies 热线The President of the United States spoke on the hot line with the Prime Minister about the crisis.美国总统与首相通过热线电话讨论了本次危机。jump the ˈqueue (BrE) (NAmE jump the ˈline, cut in ˈline) go to the front of a line of people without waiting for your turn 插队;加塞儿;不按次序排队I get very angry with people who jump the queue.我对加塞儿的人非常反感。 ˈqueue-jumping (BrE) (NAmE ˈline-jumping less frequent )


This practice encourages queue-jumping for medical services.这一做法助长了人们为得到医疗服务而插队的现象。
lay it on the ˈline (informal) tell sb sth in an honest, direct and forceful way 开诚布公;实话实说She laid it on the line, telling us that we would fail the exam unless we worked harder.她毫不隐讳地告诉我们,除非我们再用功一些,否则就无法通过考试。ˌout of ˈorder1. (of a machine, etc. 机器等) broken or not working properly 有毛病;出故障The phone is out of order again.电话又坏了。There was a notice on the toilet door saying ‘out of order’.厕所门上贴着“暂停使用”的告示。2. (BrE) (NAmE ˌout of ˈline) (informal) (of behaviour, remarks, etc. 行为、话语等) not acceptable in a particular situation 不当;出格;令人难以忍受Your remarks were completely out of order at a meeting like that.你在那种会议上这么讲话不妥当。overstep the ˈmark/ˈlinego beyond the limit of what is polite or acceptable (行为)越轨,出格;言行过分He has really overstepped the mark this time, shouting at the referee like that.这次他冲着裁判那么大喊大叫,的确做得有点过分。the ˌparty ˈlinethe beliefs or policies of a political party 政党路线Ministers in the government are expected to follow the party line.政府部长要遵循政党路线。She has gone against the party line again.她又一次违背了政党路线。No one seems to know exactly what the party line is on this issue.似乎没有人确切知道该政党在这个问题上的立场是什么。ˌpitch a ˈline/ˈstory/ˈyarn (to sb) (informal) tell sb a story or make an excuse that is not true (向某人)编谎话,找借口He assured me that it really happened, but I reckon he was just pitching me a line.他言之凿凿地说确有其事,可是我觉得他在说谎。sign on the dotted ˈline (informal) sign your name at the bottom of a contract and so agree to a deal, etc. 在签字处签上姓名;签名同意The job isn’t mine until I’ve signed on the dotted line.只有我签了字这份工作才是我的。step out of ˈlinebe/get out of ˈlinebehave badly or break the rules 行为出轨;表现不好;不守规矩The teacher warned them that she’d punish anyone who stepped out of line.老师警告他们说,谁要是不守规矩就要惩罚谁。toe the ˈline (NAmE also toe the ˈmark) obey the orders and accept the ideas, aims and principles of a particular group or person 听从…的指挥;接受…的想法(或原则);遵从…的路线The Prime Minister is angry because some members of the government are not toeing the line.首相非常生气,因为有些政府官员不服从他的命令。 OPP overstep the mark/line




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