

词组 view
释义 view /vjuː/ SEE ALL
(have, etc. sth) in ˈview (formal) (have, etc.) sth as an idea, plan, etc. in your mind (心中有…)作为目的,作为打算What the protesters have in view is a world without nuclear weapons.
He wanted to get rich, and he went abroad with this end in view.
in view of sthbecause of sth; considering sth 鉴于;考虑到;由于In view of all this rain, the game may have to be cancelled.
on ˈviewshown or displayed to the public 在展出;陈列着A lot of exciting new designs are on view at the Boat Show this year.
take a dim/poor ˈview of sb/sthdisagree with or dislike sb/sth 对…不赞同;不喜欢;对…持悲观看法Farmers tend to take a dim view of the public walking over their land.
The judge said he took a very poor view of their behaviour.
take the view (that) (formal) be sb’s opinion that… 认为I take the view that medical care should be provided by the State.
with a view to sth/to doing sth (formal) with the plan or hope of doing sth 为了某个目的(做某事)He’s painting and decorating the house with a view to selling it for a good price.
a ˌbird’s-eye ˈview (of sth)a good view of sth from high above 鸟瞰;俯视From the church tower you get a bird’s-eye view of the town.从教堂的塔楼上可以一览这个小镇的全貌。in full ˈview (of sb/sth)where you can easily be seen (by sb/sth) 被看得一清二楚;完全在可视范围内;尽收眼底The player committed the foul in full view of the referee, and was sent off the field.那名队员在裁判眼皮底下犯规,被罚下场。take the ˈlong view (of sth)think about the possible future effects of sth rather than its immediate effects 从长计议;从长远来看You always have to take the long view when you are thinking about spending money on education.在考虑教育花费的问题时,你需要从长计议。If we really want to save the planet, we must take the long view in our energy policy.如果真想拯救地球,我们必须在能源政策上作长远打算。a ˌpoint of ˈview1. sb’s opinion about sb/sth 观点;看法I don’t agree with her, but she has a right to her point of view.我不同意她的看法,不过她有权保留自己的观点。2. one way of looking at or judging sth (看待事物的)角度;判断方法From the businessman’s point of view these new hourly flights to Paris are just what is needed.从商人的角度来说,这些新开的每小时一趟飞往巴黎的航班十分必要。have a ringside ˈseat/ˈview (informal) be in a very good position to see sth happen 处于绝佳的观看位置My flat overlooks the central square, so I had a ringside view of the demonstration.从我的公寓正好可以俯瞰中心广场,所以我可以清楚地看到示威的情况。 NOTE At a boxing match or a circus, a ringside seat is one which is closest to the ring. * ringside seat 指拳击台或马戏场的最前排座席。 a worm’s-eye ˈviewthe opinion of sb who is closely involved in sth 切身体会;知情者的看法I’m afraid I can’t give you a general overview of the situation. I can only offer you a worm’s-eye view that is based on my own experience.我恐怕没法从总体上向你介绍这里的情况,只能谈一下自己的切身体会。




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