释义 |
<eng>Verbs</eng><chn><chn_tc>動詞</chn_tc><chn_sc>动词</chn_sc></chn>Transitive and intransitive及物動詞和不及物動詞及物动词和不及物动词He sighed.他歎了口氣。他叹了口气。She cut her hand.她割傷了手。她割伤了手。The soup tastes salty.這湯鹹鹹的。这汤咸咸的。Each of these sentences has a subject (he, she, the soup) and a verb (sigh, cut, taste).以上各句均有主語(he、she、the soup)和動詞(sigh、cut、taste)。以上各句均有主语(he、she、the soup)和动词(sigh、cut、taste)。In the first sentence, sigh stands alone. Verbs like this are called intransitive.在第一句,sigh 單獨作謂語,這類動詞稱為不及物(intransitive)動詞。在第一句,sigh 单独作谓语,这类动词称为不及物(intransitive)动词。In the second sentence, cut is transitive because it is used with an object (her hand).在第二句,cut 為及物(transitive)動詞,其後接賓語(her hand)。在第二句,cut 为及物(transitive)动词,其后接宾语(her hand)。In the third sentence, taste has no object but it cannot be used alone without an adjective. An adjective like salty that gives more information about the subject of a verb is called a complement. Verbs that take complements are called linking verbs.在第三句,taste 後無賓語,但不能無形容詞而單獨作謂語。像 salty 這類對動詞的主語加以說明的形容詞稱為補語(complement),後接補語的動詞稱為連繫動詞(linking verb)。在第三句,taste 后无宾语,但不能无形容词而单独作谓语。像 salty 这类对动词的主语加以说明的形容词称为补语(complement),后接补语的动词称为连系动词(linking verb)。Verb labels動詞標識动词标识In the dictionary, the grammatical labels [transitive] and [intransitive] at the start of each meaning show you whether a verb is always transitive or always intransitive, or whether it can be sometimes transitive and sometimes intransitive.在本詞典中,義項開頭的語法標識表明動詞是否總是及物或不及物,或有時及物、有時不及物。在本词典中,义项开头的语法标识表明动词是否总是及物或不及物,或有时及物、有时不及物。Transitive verbs are the most common type of verb. A verb that is always transitive in all its meanings is just marked verb, and no other verb label is given.及物動詞是最常見的動詞類型。所有義項均為及物用法的動詞只標註 verb,不再標上其他標識。及物动词是最常见的动词类型。所有义项均为及物用法的动词只标注 verb,不再标上其他标识。Verb frames動詞框架动词框架Transitive verbs can take different types of object - a noun, phrase or clause. Both transitive and intransitive verbs can combine with different prepositions or adverbs. Different linking verbs can take either adjectives or nouns as complements.及物動詞可後接不同類型的賓語——名詞、短語或從句。及物動詞和不及物動詞均可與不同的介詞或副詞組合。不同的連繫動詞可後接形容詞或名詞作補語。及物动词可后接不同类型的宾语——名词、短语或从句。及物动词和不及物动词均可与不同的介词或副词组合。不同的连系动词可后接形容词或名词作补语。In the dictionary, the different patterns (or 'verb frames') in which a verb can be used are shown in bold type, usually just before an example showing that pattern in context.在本詞典中,動詞的各種用法模式(或“動詞框架”)以粗體字表示,通常置於顯示該模式的示例前。在本词典中,动词的各种用法模式(或“动词框架”)以粗体字表示,通常置于显示该模式的示例前。If a particular verb, or one particular meaning of a verb, is always used in the same pattern, this pattern is shown in bold type before the definition.如果某特定動詞或動詞的某特定義項總是使用同一模式,則將該模式以粗體字標示於釋義前。如果某特定动词或动词的某特定义项总是使用同一模式,则将该模式以粗体字标示于释义前。Intransitive verbs不及物動詞不及物动词[intransitive]Intransitive verbs do not take an object. When they are used alone after a subject, there is no verb frame.不及物動詞後無賓語。當它們單獨用於主語後時,沒有動詞框架。不及物动词后无宾语。当它们单独用于主语后时,没有动词框架。Some intransitive verbs are always or usually used with a particular preposition or adverb. This pattern will be shown in bold type, usually before an example.有些不及物動詞總是或通常與特定介詞或副詞連用。這種模式以粗體字表示,通常置於示例前。有些不及物动词总是或通常与特定介词或副词连用。这种模式以粗体字表示,通常置于示例前。Some intransitive verbs are always or usually used with a preposition or adverb, but not always the same one. In the dictionary this use will be shown by the frame + adv./prep.. If a preposition or adverb is often used, but not always, there will be brackets around the frame (+ adv./prep.)有些不及物動詞總是或通常與介詞或副詞連用,但不總是用同一介詞或副詞。在本詞典中,這一用法以框架 + adv./prep. 表示。如果常常但不總是使用介詞或副詞,該框架將置於括號內:(+ adv./prep.)有些不及物动词总是或通常与介词或副词连用,但不总是用同一介词或副词。在本词典中,这一用法以框架 + adv./prep. 表示。如果常常但不总是使用介词或副词,该框架将置于括号内:(+ adv./prep.)Transitive verbs及物動詞及物动词[transitive]Transitive verbs must have an object. The object can be a noun or pronoun, a noun phrase or clause.及物動詞後一定接賓語,這個賓語可以是名詞、代詞、名詞短語或從句。及物动词后一定接宾语,这个宾语可以是名词、代词、名词短语或从句。The frames used to show a transitive verb with a noun, pronoun or noun phrase as object are ~ sb (when the object is a person), ~ sth (when the object is a thing) and ~ sb/sth (when the object can be a person or a thing).以名詞、代詞或名詞短語作賓語的及物動詞用以下框架表示:~ sb(當賓語為人)、~ sth(當賓語為事物)和 ~ sb/sth(當賓語可以是人也可以是事物)。以名词、代词或名词短语作宾语的及物动词用以下框架表示:~ sb(当宾语为人)、~ sth(当宾语为事物)和 ~ sb/sth(当宾语可以是人也可以是事物)。As with intransitive verbs, some transitive verbs are often used with a preposition or an adverb. If there is a range of possible prepositions or adverbs a frame such as sb/sth + adv./prep. is used. If a particular preposition or adverb is used, then it is given in the frame.與不及物動詞一樣,某些及物動詞常與介詞或副詞連用。如果可以連用的介詞或副詞有很多,則使用 sb/sth + adv./prep. 之類的框架。如果使用特定的介詞或副詞,框架內會標明該介詞或副詞。与不及物动词一样,某些及物动词常与介词或副词连用。如果可以连用的介词或副词有很多,则使用 sb/sth + adv./prep. 之类的框架。如果使用特定的介词或副词,框架内会标明该介词或副词。Some transitive verbs, like sell and buy, can be used with two objects. This is shown by the frame ~ sb sth.有些動詞,如 sell 和 buy,可接兩個賓語。這種情況以框架 ~ sb sth 表示。有些动词,如 sell 和 buy,可接两个宾语。这种情况以框架 ~ sb sth 表示。I sold Jim a car.我賣給吉姆一輛車。我卖给吉姆一辆车。I bought Mary a book.我買給瑪麗一本書。我买给玛丽一本书。You can often express the same idea by using the verb as an ordinary transitive verb and adding a prepositional phrase starting with to or for.要表達相同的意思,常常可將該動詞作一般及物動詞,後加一個以 to 或 for 開頭的介詞短語。要表达相同的意思,常常可将该动词作一般及物动词,后加一个以 to 或 for 开头的介词短语。I sold a car to Jim.我賣了一輛車給吉姆。我卖了一辆车给吉姆。I bought a book for Mary.我買了一本書給瑪麗。我买了一本书给玛丽。These will be shown by the frames ~ to sb and ~ for sb.這些情況將以框架 ~ to sb 和 ~ for sb 表示。这些情况将以框架 ~ to sb 和 ~ for sb 表示。Linking verbs連繫動詞连系动词His voice sounds hoarse.他的聲音聽起來沙啞。他的声音听起来沙哑。Elena became a doctor.埃琳娜成了醫生。埃琳娜成了医生。In these sentences the linking verb (sound, become) is followed by a complement - an adjective (hoarse) or a noun phrase (a doctor) that tells you more about the subject.在上述例句中,連繫動詞(sound、become)後跟補語,即對主語作補充說明的形容詞(hoarse)或名詞短語(a doctor)。在上述例句中,连系动词(sound、become)后跟补语,即对主语作补充说明的形容词(hoarse)或名词短语(a doctor)。Verbs that have an adjective as the complement will have the frame + adj. and verbs that have a noun phrase as the complement will have the frame + noun. There are also verbs that take both an object and a complement. The frames for these verbs are ~ sb/sth + adj., ~ sb/sth + noun or ~ sb/sth + adj./noun.以形容詞為補語的動詞用框架 + adj. 標示,以名詞短語為補語的動詞用框架+ noun標示。也有一些動詞既接賓語,也接補語。這些動詞的框架為~ sb/sth + adj.、~ sb/sth + noun 或 ~ sb/sth + adj./noun。以形容词为补语的动词用框架 + adj. 标示,以名词短语为补语的动词用框架+ noun标示。也有一些动词既接宾语,也接补语。这些动词的框架为 ~ sb/sth + adj.、~ sb/sth + noun 或 ~ sb/sth + adj./noun。Other verb frames其他動詞框架其他动词框架 ~ that… | verb is followed by a clause beginning with that … 動詞後接以 that 開頭的從句 动词后接以 that 开头的从句 | ~ (that)… | the word that can be used, but is not always necessary 動詞後可接 that,但有時可以省略 动词后可接 that,但有时可以省略 | ~ how, what | verb is followed by a clause beginning with how or what 動詞後接以 how 或 what 開頭的從句 动词后接以 how 或 what 开头的从句 | ~ why, where, etc. | verb is followed by a clause beginning with why, where or other wh- word 動詞後接以 why 、 where 或其他 wh- 詞開頭的從句 动词后接以 why 、 where 或其他 wh- 词开头的从句 | ~ sb where, when, etc. | verb is used with both a noun phrase and a wh- clause 動詞可同時與名詞短語和 wh- 從句連用 动词可同时与名词短语和 wh- 从句连用 | ~ to do sth | verb is used with a to-infinitive 動詞後接帶 to 不定式( to-infinitive ) 动词后接带 to 不定式( to-infinitive ) | ~ sb to do sth ~ sth to do sth ~ sb/sth to do sth | verb is used with both a noun phrase and a to-infinitive 動詞可同時與名詞短語和帶 to 不定式連用 动词可同时与名词短语和带 to 不定式连用 | ~ sb do sth ~ sth do sth ~ sb/sth do sth | verb is used with a noun phrase and a bare infinitive (without to) 動詞可同時與名詞短語和原形不定式(bare infinitive)(不帶 to)連用 动词可同时与名词短语和原形不定式(bare infinitive)(不带 to)连用 | ~ doing sth | verb is used with a phrase containing an –ing phrase (present participle/gerund) for example doing, eating 動詞後接 -ing 短語,-ing 短語含有現在分詞(present participle)或動名詞(gerund),如 doing 或 eating 动词后接 -ing 短语,-ing 短语含有现在分词(present participle)或动名词(gerund ),如 doing 或 eating | ~ sb doing sth ~ sth doing sth ~ sb/sth doing sth | verb is used with both a noun phrase and an –ing phrase 動詞可同時與名詞短語和 -ing 短語連用 动词可同时与名词短语和 -ing 短语连用 | + speech | verb can be used with direct speech, using quotation marks (' ') 動詞可與直接引語(direct speech)連用,加引號引用原話 动词可与直接引语(direct speech)连用,加引号引用原话 | ~ sb + speech | verb can be used with both direct speech and a noun phrase, to show who is being spoken to 動詞可同時與直接引語和名詞短語連用,引出說話的對象 动词可同时与直接引语和名词短语连用,引出说话的对象 | Many verbs can be used in a number of different ways. The dictionary entry shows the different ways in which it can be used by giving a range of example sentences. The frame before each example shows what type of grammatical pattern is being used. Sometimes patterns can combine with each other to form a longer pattern. In a long frame brackets may show where part of a frame can be left out, and slashes may show where there is a choice between two or three different words in the frame, such as ~ sth (out) (among/between sb).許多動詞可有不同的用法。本詞典中的詞條有一系列示例表明不同用法,每個示例前的框架表明語法模式。有時幾個句型可相互結合形成較長的模式,可能用括號標示可省略的部份,用斜線號標示框架中有兩三個單詞供選擇,如 ~ sth (out) (among/between sb)。许多动词可有不同的用法。本词典中的词条有一系列示例表明不同用法,每个示例前的框架表明语法模式。有时几个句型可相互结合形成较长的模式,可能用括号标示可省略的部分,用斜线号标示框架中有两三个单词供选择,如 ~ sth (out) (among/between sb)。 |