

词组 use
释义 use /juːz/ /, juːs/ SEE ALL
be in/out of ˈusebe/not be being used 在/不在使用We’ll have to find a classroom that’s not in use.
The road’s out of use while it’s being repaired.
be no ˈuse (to sb) ( be of no ˈuse formal ) be useless 无用You can throw those away — they’re no use to anyone.
be of ˈuse (to sb) (formal) be useful 有用;有帮助These maps might be of use to you on your trip.
Can I be of any use (= can I help)?
ˌcome into/ˌgo out of ˈusestart/stop being used 开始使用/不再使用When did this word come into common use?
The present system will go out of use next year.
I, you, etc. could use a ˈdrink, etc. (spoken) I, you, etc. need a drink, etc. 需要(喝一杯等)We could use some extra help just at the moment.
have no ˈuse for sb/sthstrongly dislike sb/sth 憎恶;厌恶I have no use for people like John. You can never trust them.
it’s no ˈuse (doing sth)used to say that there is no point in doing sth because it will not be successful or have a good result (做某事)没有意义,没有用处The bus has already gone, so it’s no use running.
It’s no use. I just can’t remember the word.
make ˈuse of sb/sthuse sb/sth for your own advantage 使用;利用Make full use of every chance you get to speak English.
put sth to good ˈusebenefit from using sth 有效利用;从…中获益She’ll be able to put her experience to good use in the new job.
use your ˈhead (BrE also use your ˈloaf) (informal) think carefully; use your intelligence 动动脑子;仔细想想Use your loaf! Meena can’t read English, so there’s no point in writing her a letter!
ORIGIN In rhyming slang, loaf of bread stands for ‘head’. 在同韵俚语中,loaf of bread代表head。
use a ˌsledgehammer to crack a ˈnutuse more force than is necessary 杀鸡用牛刀;小题大做It was a small and peaceful demonstration so I don’t know why there was such a big police presence. It was like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
what’s the ˈuse (of doing sth)? ( what ˈuse is there (in doing sth)?) used for emphasizing that you think an action, etc. will not achieve anything (用于强调)没有意义,没有用处What’s the use of worrying about the weather? You can’t do anything about it.
‘Why don’t you try talking to her?’ ‘What’s the use? She’s already made up her mind.’
a ˈfat lot of good/help/use (spoken) not at all good/helpful/useful 一点好处也没有;毫无帮助;毫无用处A fat lot of use that would be! What a stupid idea.那一点儿用也没有!真是个馊主意。He was a fat lot of help, I must say!我不得不说,他可真是帮了倒忙!be no good/use to ˈman or ˈbeast (informal) be completely useless 毫无用处;一无是处Since the Chernobyl disaster the land round here has been no use to man or beast.自从切尔诺贝利核泄漏事件发生后,周围的那片土地就变得毫无用处了。




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