catches /ˈkætʃɪz/●the ˌearly bird catches the ˈworm (saying) you have to get up early or do sth before others in order to be successful捷足先登;早到早得▸an ˈearly bird
(humorous) a person who gets up, arrives, etc. very early早起者;早到者;早行动者●when A ˈsneezes, B catches a ˈcold ( if A catches a ˈcold, B gets pneuˈmonialess frequent) if one person, organization, country, etc. has a problem, the effects of this on another person, organization or country are much more serious甲打个喷嚏,乙就跟着感冒◆When Wall Street sneezes, the world catches a cold.华尔街打个喷嚏,全世界都会感冒。