

词组 catch
释义 catch /kætʃ/ SEE ALL
catch your ˈbreathstop breathing for a moment (because of surprise, fear, shock, etc.) (因为惊讶、恐惧、震惊等而)屏息The magnificent view made us catch our breath.
catch your ˈdeath (of cold) (old-fashioned, informal) (usually said to emphasize how cold it is 通常用于强调天气很冷) get a very bad cold 患重感冒Don’t go out without your coat — you’ll catch your death.
catch sb’s ˈeyeattract sb’s attention 引起某人注意;惹人注目I liked all the paintings, but the one that really caught my eye was a Matisse.
Can you try to catch the waiter’s eye?


an eye-catching advertisement
catch sb in the ˈact (of doing sth)find sb while they are doing sth they should not be doing 发现某人正在做坏事;某人做坏事时当场抓住他She turned round to catch him in the act of trying to run upstairs.
NOTE This expression is often used in the passive. 这个表达法常用于被动语态:He was caught in the act of stealing a car.
ˈcatch it (BrE) (NAmE catch ˈhell, ˈget it) (spoken) be punished or spoken to angrily about sth 受罚;受斥责If your dad finds out you’ll really catch it!
catch sb ˈnapping (informal) find sb not prepared or not paying attention, and perhaps gain an advantage over them as a result 使人措手不及;乘人不备Chelsea’s defence was caught napping in the final moments of the game when Jones scored his second goal for Liverpool.
NOTE Nap means ‘sleep’, usually for a short time and especially during the day. * nap 意为“睡觉”,通常指白天的小睡。
catch sb off (their) ˈguardhappen when sb is not prepared 趁某人毫无防备之时The question caught him off his guard and he couldn’t answer.
Businesses were caught off guard by the sudden rise in interest rates.
catch sb on the ˈhop (BrE, informal) find sb in a situation where they are unprepared 出其不意抓住某人;使某人措手不及The early start of winter that year caught many farmers on the hop.
catch sb red-ˈhandedfind sb while they are doing sth wrong, committing a crime, etc. 当场抓住某人(做坏事或犯罪等);现场捕获The thief was caught red-handed as she was emptying the till.
ORIGIN This originally referred to catching a person with blood still on their hands after killing somebody. 这个习语原指抓到手上还沾染着鲜血的杀人犯。
catch some ˈrays (especially NAmE, slang) sunbathe (= sit or lie in the sun, especially in order to go brown) 日光浴;(尤指为了把皮肤晒黑而)晒太阳Let ’s go to the beach and catch some rays before the sun goes down.
catch the ˈsunbecome red or brown because of spending time in the sun (在太阳下呆久了因而)皮肤晒红了Look at the colour of you! You really caught the sun, didn’t you?
catch sb with their ˈpants down (BrE also catch sb with their ˈtrousers down) (informal) find or trap sb when they are unprepared or not paying attention 使突陷窘境;让人措手不及;出其不意;冷不防After the devastating attack on its military bases, the country was determined not to be caught with its pants down a second time.
catch/get sb’s/the drift (informal) understand the general meaning of what sb says or writes 理解大概意思;抓住要点Do you catch my drift?你明白我的意思吗?My German isn’t very good, but I got the drift of what he said.我的德语不大好,不过大概能明白他的意思。He wasn’t the sort of boy you’d introduce to your mother, if you get my drift (= I have not told you all the details, but I am sure you can understand what I mean).他这种男孩你介绍给你母亲不合适,我想你明白我的意思。catch/take/tickle sb’s ˈfancy (informal) please or attract sb 博得某人的好感;吸引某人Mary seems afraid some other girl will catch Alan’s fancy.玛丽好像害怕艾伦会喜欢上别的女孩。She saw that the picture had taken my fancy and insisted on giving it to me as a present.她发现那幅画很中我的意,非要把它作为礼物送给我。catch/get/grab/take (a) ˈhold of sb/sthhave or take sb/sth in your hands 握住;抓住;捉住He caught hold of her wrists so she couldn’t get away.他抓住她的手腕,使她无法挣脱。Lee got hold of the dog by its collar.李一把抓住了狗的项圈。Quick, grab a hold of that rope.快,抓住那条绳子。catch/touch sb on the ˈraw (BrE) upset sb by reminding them of sth they are particularly sensitive about 触到某人的痛处;揭某人的伤疤She touched him on the raw by criticizing his driving.她批评他开车的技术,这触到了他的痛处。(be) a ˌsprat to catch a ˈmackerel (informal) (be) a fairly small or unimportant thing which is offered or risked in the hope of getting sth bigger or better 用小鱼钓大鱼;施小惠而得大利;吃小亏占大便宜The competition and prize of a free car is a sprat to catch a mackerel. The publicity will mean good business for months to come.举办竞赛并开出免费汽车的奖品不过是小钓饵,这一宣传活动会使随后的几个月生意兴隆。 NOTE Sprat and mackerel are both types of fish. Sprats are very small. 西鲱(sprat)和鲭(mackerel)是两种不同的鱼,其中西鲱非常小。 catch/take sb unaˈwaressurprise sb; do sth when sb does not expect it 使某人措手不及;出其不意;令人惊讶Her sudden refusal took me unawares.她突然拒绝,出乎我的意料。You caught us unawares by coming so early.你这么早就来了,真没想到。catch/get some ˈZ’s (informal, especially NAmE) sleep 睡一会儿I headed home to catch some Z’s before our night out.晚上我们出去之前,我回家小睡了一会儿。 NOTE In this expression, Z’s is pronounced /ziːz/(or sometimes /zedz/in British English), and is used in cartoons to represent the sound people sometimes make when they sleep. 在这个表达法中,Z's读作/zi:z/(有时在英音中读作 /zedz/),在漫画中用来表示人睡着时打鼾。




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