

词组 case
释义 case /keɪs/ SEE ALL
as the ˌcase may ˈbeused to say that one of two or more possibilities is true, but which one is true depends on the circumstances 根据具体情况;视情况而定There may be an announcement about this tomorrow — or not, as the case may be.
be on sb’s ˈcase (informal) criticize sb all the time 不停地指责某人She’s always on my case about cleaning my room.
be on the ˈcasebe dealing with a particular matter, especially a criminal investigation 正在处理某个事件(尤指刑事侦查)We have two of our best agents on the case.
a case in ˈpointa clear example of the problem, situation, etc. that is being discussed 明证;恰当的例证Many of the students are from Latin America. Carlos is a case in point — he’s from Colombia.
case the ˈjoint (informal) look carefully around a building so that you can plan how to steal things from it at a later time (为日后行窃)踩点,踩道,探路I saw two men here earlier. Do you think they were casing the joint?
get off sb’s ˈcase (informal) used to tell sb to stop criticizing you or another person 别再批评某人了I’m doing my best, so get off my case, will you?
in ˈany casewhatever may happen or has happened; anyway 无论如何;不管怎样I don’t know yet who’ll bring it or what time, but in any case you’ll get your car back tomorrow.
My mother came to stay so I couldn’t go to the party, but I didn’t really want to go in any case.
(just) in caseso as to be prepared for what may or may not happen 以防;以防万一Somebody should stay at home in case John phones.
‘Did Clara say she’d phone?’ ‘No, but somebody should stay here just in case.’
in case of sth (formal) if sth happens 如果(发生什么事);假使In case of fire, leave the building by the nearest exit.
in ˈthat caseif that happens or has happened; if that is the situation 如果那样;假使那样的话‘I’ve made up my mind.’ ‘In that case, there’s no point discussing it.’
make out a case (for sth)argue in favour of sth 为…进行辩护;提出论据支持In her report, she makes out a case for giving more funds to the health service.
a ˈbasket case (informal) 1. a country or an organization whose economic situation is very bad 经济上千疮百孔(或濒于崩溃)的国家(或组织)A few years ago, the country was an economic basket case, but now things are different.几年前,这个国家的经济还是千疮百孔,可是现在情况不同了。2. a person who is slightly crazy and who has problems dealing with situations 精神紧张难于应付场面的人‘How did the interview go?’ ‘Terrible! I’m sure they thought I was a complete basket case.’“面试情况怎么样?”“糟透了!我想他们一定认为我特别容易怯场。”an ˌopen-and-shut ˈcase (of a legal case, crime, etc. 案件、罪行等) so clear or simple that it can be dealt with or solved very easily and quickly 昭然若揭的;一目了然的It’s an open-and-shut case. His fingerprints were on the gun and he can’t prove where he was that night.这个案子是明摆着的,枪上有他的指纹,而他又不能证明自己那晚在哪里。I ˌrest my ˈcase (spoken, law 法律 or humorous) have no more to say about sth, especially because you think you have proved your point 本人对案情陈述完毕;我的话说完了You see what I mean about him always arriving late? It’s nearly ten o’clock and he’s not here yet. I rest my case!你明白我为什么说他总是迟到了吧?快十点了,他还没到。我不多说了!




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