释义 |
ground /graʊnd/► SEE ALLbe, come, get, etc. in on the ground floorbreak fresh/new groundcut the ground from under sb/sb’s feetdrive/run/work yourself into the groundget (sth) off the groundgive/lose ground (to sb/sth)hold/stand your groundon the groundrun sb/sth into the groundthick/thin on the grounddangerous groundkeep/have an/your ear (close) to the groundgo to earth/groundrun sb/sth to earth/groundhave/keep both/your feet on the groundbe on firm groundgain grounda happy hunting groundhit the ground runningtake, claim, seize, etc. the moral high groundon neutral ground/territoryprepare the ground (for sth)be riveted to the spot/groundshift your groundfall on stony groundsuit sb (right) down to the ground ●be, come, get, etc. in on the ground ˈfloor (informal) become involved at the beginning of a plan, a company, an organization, etc. and possibly profit from this later 开始时就参与(以后可能盈利)◆Reg came in on the ground floor and saw the value of his investment double in two years. 雷格从一开始就入了伙,两年内他的投资就翻了一番。●break fresh/new ˈgroundmake a discovery; use new methods, etc. 有新发现;使用新方法◆We’re breaking fresh ground with our new freezing methods. 我们在冷冻方法上有了新的发现。▸ ˈground-breaking adjective ◆a ground-breaking discovery / report 开创性的发现/报告●cut the ground from under sb/sb’s ˈfeetsuddenly spoil sb’s idea or plan by doing sth to stop them from continuing with it 破坏某人的计划;拆台;挖墙脚◆When he announced that all my figures were out of date, he really cut the ground from under my feet. 他说我所有的数据都过时了,这确实打乱了我的计划。●drive/run/work yourself into the ˈgroundwork so hard that you become extremely tired 使自己工作得过度疲劳;把自己累垮◆You need to be careful, or you’ll run yourself into the ground before long. 你要小心点,不然过不了多久你就会累垮的。◆With only two or three hours’ sleep a night, he was driving himself into the ground. 他一晚只睡两三个小时,快要把自己累死了。●get (sth) off the ˈground (of a plan, project, etc. 计划、项目等) start happening successfully; make sth start happening successfully (使)成功启动,付诸实施◆By this time next year the new company should be just getting off the ground. 明年这个时候新公司就会顺利开张。◆We’re looking for a new manager to help get this project off the ground. 我们在物色一名新经理来帮忙启动这个项目。●give/lose ˈground (to sb/sth)allow sb/sth to obtain more power, influence, etc. than yourself 让步;退却;失去优势(或影响等)◆The government has lost ground to the opposition, according to the opinion polls. 民意调查显示,政府在失去优势,而反对党的支持率在上升。●hold/stand your ˈgroundface a situation and refuse to run away 坚守阵地;不让步;不退却◆In spite of the enemy’s fierce attack, we stood our ground and eventually they had to retreat. 尽管敌人攻势凶猛,我们仍然坚守阵地,最终他们不得不撤退了。◆After arguing about future policy for three hours, he was still standing his ground. 就未来的政策问题争执了三个小时之后,他仍然坚持自己的看法。●on the ˈgroundamong ordinary people or people closely involved in sth 处在基层;置身现场◆On the ground, there are hopes that the fighting will soon stop. 战火中的人都希望战争能早日结束。◆There’s a lot of support for the policy on the ground. 这一政策得到了基层群众的普遍支持。●run sb/sth into the ˈgrounduse sth so much that it breaks; make sb work so hard that they are no longer able to work 耗尽某物;过度使用某物;使累坏◆In just one year, she managed to run her new car into the ground. 短短一年她就把那辆新车给开坏了。◆These children are running me into the ground. 这些孩子把我给累惨了。●thick/thin on the ˈground (BrE) if people or things are thick/thin on the ground, there are a lot/not many of them in a place 遍地皆是;寥寥无几◆Customers are thin on the ground at this time of year. 一年中这个时节顾客寥寥无几。◆Good science teachers are thin on the ground. 优秀的理科教师屈指可数。●dangerous ˈgrounda situation or subject that is likely to make sb angry, or that involves risk 令人气愤的场合(或话题);危险处境◆We’d be on dangerous ground if we asked about race or religion.要是问种族或宗教方面的问题很容易冒犯人。●keep/have an/your ear (close) to the ˈground(try to) be well-informed about what is or will be happening 消息灵通;注意动向;留心收集情报◆Jane keeps her ear pretty close to the ground and can usually tell you what the mood of the staff is.简一向很留心周围的情况,她总能告诉你员工们的情绪怎么样。●go to ˈearth/ˈground (BrE) hide, especially to escape from sb who is chasing you 躲藏起来(以免被捉住);逃避◆His family never saw him again. He went to ground and they heard nothing else of him until he died last year.他家里人再也没见过他。他躲了起来,音信全无,直到去年他死了,家人才知道。 NOTE This expression refers to a fox hiding underground when it is hunted. 这个表达法原指狐狸躲到地下逃避猎捕。 ●run sb/sth to ˈearth/ˈground (informal) find sb/sth after a long, difficult search (长期搜寻后)终于找到◆I spent years looking for the stolen picture but eventually ran it to ground in London.我花了多年时间来寻找那幅失窃的画,最终在伦敦发现了它。◆The escaped prisoner was run to ground within a couple of days.越狱的囚徒几天后终于被抓住了。 NOTE This comes from hunting and means to chase an animal to its earth (= its home or hiding place). 这个习语源于打猎,指追赶猎物直至其躲入洞穴。 ●have/keep both/your feet on the ˈgroundhave a sensible and realistic attitude to life 脚踏实地;讲求实际◆He is always talking about his big plans to be a great actor. You should tell him to keep his feet on the ground.他总是谈论自己要当大明星的远大计划,你应该告诉他要脚踏实地。 OPP have your head in the clouds ●be on firm ˈgroundbe sure about your beliefs, knowledge, etc.; be confident (对自己的信念、知识等)有信心◆I don’t know a lot about physics, I’m afraid. I’m on firmer ground with mathematics, which I studied at university.我恐怕对物理知道得不多,但是对数学我比较有自信,我在大学学过。●gain ˈground1. (of soldiers 士兵) move forward in a battle 在战斗中向前推进◆Our men began to gain ground, forcing the enemy back towards the river.我军士兵开始向前推进,迫使敌人朝河边撤退。2. (of an idea, development, etc. 想法、发展等) become more popular or successful 流行起来;取得成效◆Diesel cars seem to be gaining ground because they are cheaper to run.由于开起来比较省钱,柴油汽车似乎越来越流行了。●a happy ˈhunting ground (humorous) a very good place to find what you want 能找到所需物的乐土;淘物的乐园◆The Sunday antique market is a happy hunting ground for collectors.周日的古董市场是收藏家的淘物乐园。●ˌhit the ground ˈrunning (informal) start doing sth and continue very quickly and successfully 迅速而顺利地投入某事;一炮打响;雷厉风行◆What we need for this project is someone who will hit the ground running.对于这个项目,我们需要一个雷厉风行的人。 ORIGIN This idiom possibly refers to soldiers who are expected to land from parachutes or from helicopters and get straight into action. 这个习语可能原指跳伞或乘直升机着陆后能迅速作战的士兵。●take, claim, seize, etc. the moral ˈhigh groundclaim that your side of an argument is morally better than your opponents’ side; argue in a way that makes your side seem morally better 占据道德高地◆Don’t you try to take the moral high ground with me! You’re just as bad as I am!你别想拿道德来压我!你不比我好到哪里去!●on neutral ˈground/ˈterritoryin a place that has no connection with either of the people or sides who are meeting and so does not give an advantage to either of them 在中立地区;在第三方地区◆We decided to meet on neutral ground.我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。●prepare the ˈground (for sth)do something which makes it possible or easier for sth to happen (为…)铺路,准备条件◆By making her his deputy, the chairman was preparing the ground for her to replace him after he retired.主席任命她当自己的副手,是为自己退休后让她继任作准备。◆The meeting was to prepare the ground for next week’s peace talks.这次会议是为下周的和谈作准备。●be ˌriveted to the ˈspot/ˈgroundbe so shocked or frightened that you cannot move (因震惊或恐惧而)呆立不动,呆若木鸡◆As he walked away, she wanted to run after him but she felt frozen, riveted to the spot.他转身离去时,她想追上去,但觉得自己的身体好像僵了,一步也挪不动。●shift your ˈground (usually disapproving) change your opinion or position, especially during an argument or a discussion (尤指在辩论或讨论中)改变观点,改变立场◆He’s shifted his ground on many major policy issues.他在很多重大政策问题上的立场有所改变。 OPP stand fast/firm ●fall on stony ˈgroundfail to produce the result or the effect that you hope for; have little success 没有达到预期结果(或效果);失败◆She tried to warn him, but her words fell on stony ground.她试图警告他,但是他根本听不进去。●suit sb (right) ˌdown to the ˈground (BrE, informal) suit sb completely 完全合某人的意;称某人的心◆I’ve found a job that suits me down to the ground: the pay’s great and I can work from home.我找到一份称心如意的工作:薪水很高,而且还可以在家里工作。 |