

词组 goose
释义 goose /guːs/ SEE ALLˌcook sb’s ˈgoose (informal) ruin sb’s plans or chances of success 破坏某人的计划;毁掉某人的前程He thought that the police would never find him but when he saw the officer coming towards him he realized that his goose was finally cooked.他本以为警方绝不会找到他,等他看到警察朝他走过来时,才意识到自己完了。(kill) the golden ˈgoose ( (kill) the goose that lays the golden ˈegg/ˈeggs) (destroy) sth that makes you rich, successful, etc. 杀鸡取卵;(毁掉)摇钱树;(自绝)财源;(自毁)前程The government is worried that a new tax might kill the golden goose by scaring away foreign investment.政府担心新税收会吓跑外国投资者,从而断了财路。The banks made vast profits from an energy trader that had become the golden goose of Wall Street.各大银行已从华尔街的摇钱树 - 一个能源交易商身上赚了不少钱。 ORIGIN This comes from an ancient Greek story about a farmer who had a goose that laid golden eggs. The farmer thought that if he killed the goose he could get all the eggs inside. However, by killing the goose, he lost everything. 这个谚语源于古希腊传说。一位农夫有一只会下金蛋的鹅,他认为把鹅杀了就能取出全部金蛋,结果落得一场空。what’s ˌsauce for the ˌgoose is ˌsauce for the ˈgander (old-fashioned, saying) if one partner in a marriage or relationship can behave in a particular way, then the other partner should also be allowed to behave in this way (在婚姻或某种关系中)适于此者亦应适于彼,应该一视同仁If she can go out with her friends, why can’t I? What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.她可以和朋友一起出去,我为什么不行呢?应该一视同仁嘛。 NOTE A gander is a male goose. * gander 意为“公鹅”。 he, she, etc. wouldn’t say ˌboo to a ˈgoose (informal) sb is very shy and afraid of upsetting or annoying people 为人羞怯(或胆小)How could he ever succeed in politics? He wouldn’t say boo to a goose.他怎么能在政治上取得成功?他连只蚂蚁都不敢踩。 NOTE People shout Boo! when they want to surprise or frighten somebody. * boo 指人们用以惊吓别人而喊出的声音。 a ˌwild ˈgoose chasea (long) search for sth that you cannot find because you have been given the wrong information (因信息错误而长途/长时)徒劳追寻;白费力气的追逐;徒劳之举He gave us the wrong directions to the station and that led us off on a wild goose chase.他给我们指错了方向,我们白费力气,根本找不到火车站。Peter’s story sent the police on a wild goose chase. They soon realized he’d been lying.彼得的鬼话误导了警方的侦查工作。他们很快意识到他在撒谎。 ORIGIN In the past, this was a sport in which horse riders had to follow the exact course taken by the first rider, like the way that geese fly by following a leader. Later it referred to any unplanned or irregular course taken by one person and followed by another, and then came to mean something that was like trying to find a wild goose: that is, a difficult or hopeless task. 这是旧时的一项运动,骑手们必须严格按照第一个骑手的路线走,就像天鹅群跟随领飞的天鹅一样。后来这用来表示众人跟随某人毫无规划、杂乱无章的行动方针;之后又指试图寻找野天鹅之类的事,由此产生出“艰难而毫无希望的任务”之意。




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