

词组 story
释义 story /ˈstɔːri/ SEE ALL
(quite) another ˈstorya (quite) different ˈstory1. very different from what has just been said 情况完全不同;两码事;风马牛不相及Her English is excellent, but her French is another story.
2. used when you are talking about one thing and then mention another thing, which you are not going to talk about on that occasion (表示不打算讨论所提及的事情)另外一件事,另一码事I once met Paul McCartney, but that’s another story. I’ll tell you about that one day.
我碰到过保罗 ∙ 麦卡特尼一次,不过那是另一回事了,我以后再跟你讲。
so the story ˈgoes…the story ˈgoes (that)…used to describe sth that people are saying, although it may not be correct 据说;传闻;谣传He used to be a doctor, or so the story goes.
that’s the ˌstory of my ˈlife (informal) used for saying that sth that happens to you or to another person is typical of the bad luck you always have 我就是这个命,我总是这么倒霉(表示自己总是遭遇类似的不幸经历)‘I meet somebody I really like and she tells me she’s married. That’s the story of my life!’
a ˌcock and ˈbull story (informal) a story, an excuse or an explanation that is so unlikely that no one believes it 荒诞的故事(或借口、解释等);无稽之谈I asked him about his job and he gave me some cock and bull story about being so rich he didn’t need to work.我问及他的工作,他编了些离奇的谎话,说他非常富有,不用工作。end of ˈstory (spoken) used when you are stating that there is nothing more that can be said or done about sth 没什么可说(或做)的了;到此为止Look, I told you I can’t give you a job here. End of story.听着,我跟你说了我没法在这里给你安排工作。不要再说了。a hard-ˈluck storya story about yourself that you tell sb in order to get their sympathy or help 诉说不幸的故事(博取别人同情或帮助)He stopped me in the street and told me a long hard-luck story about his wife leaving him. All he really wanted was some money.他在街上拦住了我,大讲他妻子要离开他,他有多惨。其实他只是想要些钱。Don’t give me any of your hard-luck stories, John. I don’t believe them.约翰,别再讲你的倒霉事来博取同情了,我一点儿也不信。a ˈlikely story (spoken, ironic) used for showing that you do not believe what sb has said (表示不相信某人的话)好像真有这么回事似的,煞有介事They said they’d found the wallet on the ground outside the pub — a likely story!他们说是在酒吧外面的地上捡到这个钱包的,谁会相信呀!it’s a ˌlong ˈstory (informal) used to say that the reasons for sth are complicated and you would prefer not to give all the details 一言难尽;说来话长‘So why did you leave?’ ‘Oh, it’s a long story — I’ll tell you some other time.’“你为什么离开?”“哦,说来话长,我改天再讲给你听。”to cut a long story ˈshort (BrE) (NAmE to make a long story ˈshort) (spoken) used when a speaker is not going to describe all the details of sth, only the final result 长话短说;简而言之‘What happened at the meeting?’ ‘Well, to cut a long story short, ten people are going to lose their jobs.’“会上讲了什么事?”“嗯,简单说来,有十个人要失业。”it’s the (same) old ˈstorysomething unpleasant or bad which happens again and again 又是老一套(表示糟糕的情况以前经常发生)He says we haven’t got enough money for a trip overseas. It’s the same old story every year.他说我们没有足够的钱去海外度假,每年都是老一套说辞。ˌpitch a ˈline/ˈstory/ˈyarn (to sb) (informal) tell sb a story or make an excuse that is not true (向某人)编谎话,找借口He assured me that it really happened, but I reckon he was just pitching me a line.他言之凿凿地说确有其事,可是我觉得他在说谎。a ˌshaggy-ˈdog story (informal) a long, complicated story or joke, which has no proper ending and is not very funny 冗长无趣的故事(或笑话)He told us this joke, which turned out to be a shaggy-dog story, and I hate those!他给我们讲了个又臭又长、一点也不好笑的笑话,我很厌烦。 ORIGIN This expression comes from the subject of one particular story of this kind, a dog with long, untidy ( shaggy) hair. 这个表达法源于此类故事中的典型主题,即一条邋遢的长毛狗。a/one side of the ˈstory/ˈpictureonly one way of looking at a situation 一面之词;一种说法;一种描述There are two sides to this story, and you’ve only heard Jim’s.这件事有两种说法,而你只听了吉姆的一面之词。This programme on the dispute only shows one side of the picture.这个有关这场争端的节目仅仅揭示了情况的一个方面。a ˈsob story (informal, disapproving) a story that sb tells you so that you will feel sorry for them, especially one that does not have that effect or is not true 为博取同情的故事;(目的在于引起同情或怜悯的)伤感的故事Then she gave me another of her sob stories, this time about an argument with her boyfriend.然后她又给我讲了她的另一件伤心事,这一次是关于她和男朋友吵架的事。a ˌtall ˈstory (especially BrE) (NAmE usually a ˌtall ˈtale) a story which is very difficult to believe 荒诞的故事;无稽之谈What she says about her grandfather being a foreign prince sounds like a tall story to me.她说她祖父是外国王子之类的话在我听来完全是无稽之谈。There were many tall tales told later about the events of that day.那天发生的事情后来被人们说得神乎其神。tell a ˈdifferent, aˈnother, etc. tale/storygive some information that is different from what you expect or have been told 说的情况迥然不同;反映出来的是另一回事She sounded very calm, but her face told a different story.她听上去很冷静,但脸上的表情却是另一码事。tell its ˈown tale/storyexplain or show sth, without the need of any more explanations or comment 不言而喻;明摆着;很明显The burned buildings and broken glass in the streets tell their own story.街上那些烧毁的楼房和破碎的玻璃就说明了一切。tell the same tale/story (of sth)show the same thing 反映出相同的情况The faces of these children tell the same tale of hunger and misery.这些孩子个个都是一脸的饥饿和痛苦。




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