

词组 sticky
释义 sticky /ˈstɪki/ SEE ALL
have sticky ˈfingers (informal) be likely to steal sth 手脚不干净;好偷东西;有小偷小摸毛病Be careful about leaving your things lying around. Some people here have got very sticky fingers!
(be on) a ˌsticky ˈwicket (BrE, informal) a situation in which it is difficult to defend yourself against criticism or attack 处境困难Don’t be too confident about getting the contract. After our problems with the last one we’re on a sticky wicket there.
NOTE In the game of cricket, a sticky wicket is a playing area that is drying out after rain and so is more difficult for the person hitting the ball to play on. 在板球比赛中,sticky wicket 指雨后正在变干的场地,这增加了球员击球的困难。
come to a bad/sticky ˈend (informal) finish in an unpleasant way; finish by having sth unpleasant happen to you, usually because of your own actions (通常因自己行为不当而)落个不好的下场,结局很糟糕;自作自受The neighbours used to shake their heads at his behaviour and say that he’d come to a bad end.邻居们过去常常对他的行为表达不满,说他肯定没有好下场。go through, hit, etc. a ˈbad/ˈsticky patchcome to a difficult time in your business, marriage, etc. (事业、婚姻等)处于困难时期,遇到难关We’ve struck a bad patch in our marriage.我们的婚姻遇到了难题。High inflation meant that her business went through a sticky patch.通货膨胀率很高,这也就意味着她的公司遇到了难关。




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