

词组 least
释义 least /liːst/ SEE ALL
at ˈleast1. (of a number 数量) not less than 至少;起码There were at least 70 000 people at the concert.
演唱会上至少有 7 万人。
OPP at (the) most
2. the minimum sb should do 至少(应当做的);最基本地I know it’s difficult for him to telephone me, but he could at least write.
3. used for talking about the only advantage or good point of sb/sth (用于补充肯定的评论)至少,起码This car is slow, it uses a lot of petrol, but at least it doesn’t break down.
4. used to show you are not completely sure of sth (表示不完全确定)至少It’s true. At least, I think so.
at the (very) ˈleastused after amounts to show that the amount is the lowest possible (用于数量之后)至少,最少It’ll take a year, at the very least.
(ˌnot) in the ˈleast (used in negative sentences, questions and if clauses 用于否定句、疑问句和 if 从句中) (not) at all 一点也(不);确实(不);丝毫(不)She wasn’t in the least afraid.
If you are in the least worried about it, then ask somebody for help.
the (very) ˈleast you can/could dothe minimum you should do 起码能做到的The least you can do is apologize.
‘Thank you so much for helping me.’ ‘Well, it was the least I could do.’
ˌleast ˈsaid ˌsoonest ˈmended (BrE, saying) a bad situation will pass or be forgotten most quickly if nothing more is said about it 少说为妙;多说反坏事She’s still very angry, of course, but if you ask me it’s a case of least said soonest mended.
not ˈleast (written) especially 特别;尤其There are a lot of complaints about the new road, not least because of the noise.
ˌlast but not ˈleastˌlast but by no means ˈleastused to say that the last person or thing on a list, etc. is as important as the others 最后不能不提;最后但同样重要的是He thanked everyone for their help: Mr Watkins, Ms Smith, Ms Jackson, and last, but by no means least, Mr Jones.他感谢帮助他的每一个人:沃特金斯先生、史密斯女士、杰克逊女士,最后,他同样感谢了琼斯先生。(choose, follow, take, etc.) the line of least reˈsistance(to choose, etc.) the easiest way of doing sth (走)阻力最小的途径;(采取)最省事的方法You’ll never get anywhere in life if you always take the line of least resistance.如果你总是投机取巧,这一辈子将一事无成。the less/least said, the ˈbetter (saying) it is better in a difficult situation to say nothing or very little, because otherwise you might make it worse 少说为妙He’s very angry and she’s very upset, so don’t say anything about cars or accidents. Remember, the less said, the better.他很生气,而她又很难过,所以你别提车或车祸的事。记住,少说为妙。to ˌsay the (very) ˈleastused to say that you are using the least strong way of saying sth 少说也是…;最客气地说I’m not very happy with his work, to say the least.客气点说,我对他的工作不是很满意。




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