

词组 leap
释义 leap /liːp/ SEE ALL
a leap in the ˈdarkan action or a risk that you take without knowing anything about the activity or what the result will be 冒险举动;后果不可预料的行动The government is being accused of taking a leap in the dark as it prepares to radically change the education system.
ˌlook before you ˈleap (saying) think carefully about the possible risks and effects before you decide to do sth 三思而后行I know you don’t like this job but don’t just accept the first job offered to you. Remember to look before you leap.
jump/leap to conˈclusionsmake a decision about sb/sth too quickly, before you know or have thought about all the facts 匆忙下结论There you go again — jumping to conclusions. Wait till you hear my side of the story!你又来了,匆匆忙忙就下结论。等我说完你再说!a quantum ˈleap ( a quantum ˈjump less frequent ) a sudden very large increase, advance or improvement in sth 剧增;突飞猛进;重大进展This latest research represents a quantum leap in our understanding of the universe.这项最新的研究表明,我们对宇宙的认识有了重大进展。The quantum leap in writing technology came with the introduction of personal computers.个人电脑的使用带来了书写技术的飞跃发展。 NOTE In physics, a quantum jump is a sudden change in a physical quality such as energy from one fixed level to another. 在物理学中,quantum jump 指量子跃迁。




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