

词组 bullet
释义 bullet /ˈbʊlɪt/bite the ˈbullet (informal) realize that you cannot avoid sth unpleasant, and so accept it 咬紧牙关应付;硬着头皮应付Getting your car repaired is often an expensive business, but all you can do is bite the bullet and pay up.修车往往是一件很花钱的事,可是你只能咬紧牙关付账单。 ORIGIN This expression comes from the old custom of giving soldiers a bullet to bite on during medical operations, which had to be done without any drugs to stop the pain. 这个表达法源于过去战地手术的习惯。战士们在无麻醉剂的情况下咬住子弹接受手术。




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