

词组 British and American English
释义 <eng>British and American English</eng><chn><chn_tc>英式英語和美式英語</chn_tc><chn_sc>英式英语和美式英语</chn_sc></chn>American English differs from British English not only in pronunciation but also in vocabulary, spelling and grammar.美式英語與英式英語不僅在讀音上有區別,在用詞、拼寫和語法上也有所不同。美式英语与英式英语不仅在读音上有区别,在用词、拼写和语法上也有所不同。
Pronunciation讀音读音When the American pronunciation is different from the British pronunciation it is given after the British pronunciation in the dictionary.如果美式讀音與英式讀音有差異,本詞典先給出英式讀音,然後給出美式讀音。如果美式读音与英式读音有差异,本词典先给出英式读音,然后给出美式读音。tomato BrE /təˈmɑːtəʊ / NAmE /təˈmeɪtoʊ /Some important differences: Stressed vowels are usually longer in American English. In packet, for example, the æ is longer.在讀音上的一些重要差異:在美式英語中重讀元音通常發音較長,如 packet 中的 æ在读音上的一些重要差异:在美式英语中重读元音通常发音较长,如 packet 中的 æIn British English the consonant r is pronounced only before a vowel (for example in red and bedroom). In all other cases the r is silent (for example in car, learn, over). In American English the r is always pronounced.在英式英語中,輔音 r 只是在元音之前才發音(如 redbedroom),其他情況下均不發音(如 carlearnover)。在美式英語中, r 在任何位置都發音。在英式英语中,辅音 r 只是在元音之前才发音(如 redbedroom),其他情况下均不发音(如 carlearnover)。在美式英语中, r 在任何位置都发音。In American English the t between vowels is pronounced as a soft d d, so that writer and rider sound similar. British English speakers usually pronounce the t as t. 在美式英語中,元音之間的 t 讀成弱化的 d,因此 writerrider 聽起來相似,而說英式英語者通常將 t 讀成 t在美式英语中,元音之间的 t 读成弱化的 d,因此 writerrider 听起来相似,而说英式英语者通常将 t 读成 t
Vocabulary詞彙词汇The dictionary tells you which words are used only in American English or have different meanings in British and American English, for example cookie, elevator, trunk.本詞典對只用於美式英語或在英式英語和美式英語中含義不同的單詞均予以註明,如 cookieelevatortrunk本词典对只用于美式英语或在英式英语和美式英语中含义不同的单词均予以注明,如 cookieelevatortrunk
Spelling拼寫拼写The dictionary shows different spellings in British and American English. The following differences are particularly common.本詞典標有英式英語和美式英語的不同拼法,常見區別如下。本词典标有英式英语和美式英语的不同拼法,常见区别如下。In verbs which end in l and are not stressed on the final syllable, the l is not doubled in the -ing form and the past participle: cancelling; NAmE canceling.在美式英語中,以 l 結尾的動詞,如果最後一個音節為非重讀音節,該動詞的 -ing 形式和過去分詞均不雙寫 l ,如 cancelling(英式拼法);canceling(美式拼法)。在美式英语中,以 l 结尾的动词,如果最后一个音节为非重读音节,该动词的 -ing 形式和过去分词均不双写 l ,如 cancelling(英式拼法);canceling(美式拼法)。Words which end in -tre are spelt -ter in American English: centre; NAmE center.-tre 結尾的詞,美式英語拼作 -ter,如 centre(英式拼法);center(美式拼法)。-tre 结尾的词,美式英语拼作 -ter,如 centre(英式拼法);center(美式拼法)。Words which end in -our are usually spelt -or in American English: colour; NAmE color.-our 結尾的詞,美式英語通常拼作 -or,如 colour(英式拼法);color(美式拼法)。-our 结尾的词,美式英语通常拼作 -or,如 colour(英式拼法);color(美式拼法)。Words which end in -ogue are usually spelt -og in American English: dialogue; NAmE dialog.-ogue 結尾的詞,美式英語中通常拼作 -og,如 dialogue (英式拼法);dialog (美式拼法)。-ogue 结尾的词,美式英语中通常拼作 -og,如 dialogue (英式拼法);dialog (美式拼法)。In British English many verbs can be spelt with either -ize or -ise. In American English only the spelling with -ize is possible: realize, -ise; NAmE realize.在英式英語中,許多動詞的結尾拼作 -ize-ise 均可,但在美式英語中只能拼作 -ize,如 realize/realise(英式拼法);realize(美式拼法)。在英式英语中,许多动词的结尾拼作 -ize-ise 均可,但在美式英语中只能拼作 -ize,如realize/realise(英式拼法);realize(美式拼法)。
Grammar語法语法Present perfect/Simple past現在完成時;一般過去時现在完成时;一般过去时In American English the simple past can be used with already, just and yet. In British English the present perfect is used.在美式英語中,alreadyjustyet 可用於一般過去時;在英式英語中,這些詞只能用於現在完成時。在美式英语中,alreadyjustyet 可用于一般过去时;在英式英语中,这些词只能用于现在完成时。I have already given her the present. BrE我已把禮物送給她了。我已把礼物送给她了。I already gave her the present. NAmE我已把禮物送給她了。我已把礼物送给她了。I’ve just seen her. BrE我剛見過她。我刚见过她。I just saw her. NAmE我剛見過她。我刚见过她。Have you heard the news yet? BrE你聽說這消息了嗎?你听说这消息了吗?Did you hear the news yet? NAmE你聽說這消息了嗎?你听说这消息了吗?Have/have gotIn British English it is possible to use have got or have to express the idea of possession. In American English only have can be used in questions and negative sentences.在英式英語中,表示擁有用 have gothave 均可;而在美式英語的疑問句和否定句中,表達此義只能用 have在英式英语中,表示拥有用 have gothave 均可;而在美式英语的疑问句和否定句中,表达此义只能用 haveThey have/have got two computers. BrE NAmE他們有兩台計算機。他们有两台计算机。Have you got a computer? Yes, I have. BrE你有計算機嗎?我有。你有计算机吗?我有。Do you have a computer? Yes, I do. BrE NAmE你有計算機嗎?我有。你有计算机吗?我有。Get/gottenIn American English the past participle of get is gotten.在美式英語中,get 的過去分詞為 gotten在美式英语中,get 的过去分词为 gottenYour English has got better. BrE你的英語進步了。你的英语进步了。Your English has gotten better. NAmE你的英語進步了。你的英语进步了。Prepositions and adverbs介詞和副詞介词和副词Some prepositions and adverbs are used differently in British and American English, for example stay at home BrE; stay home NAmE.有些介詞和副詞在英式英語和美式英語中用法不同,如 stay at home(英式英語);stay home(美式英語)。有些介词和副词在英式英语和美式英语中用法不同,如 stay at home(英式英语);stay home(美式英语)。Form of the adverb副詞的形式副词的形式In informal American English the adverb form ending in -ly is often not used.在非正式的美式英語中,副詞經常用不以 -ly 結尾的形式。在非正式的美式英语中,副词经常用不以 -ly 结尾的形式。He looked at me really strangely. BrE他用十分異樣的目光看我。他用十分异样的目光看我。He looked at me really strange. NAmE他用十分異樣的目光看我。他用十分异样的目光看我。ShallShall is not used instead of will in American English for the first person singular of the future.在美式英語中,將來時的第一人稱單數不用 shall,只用 will在美式英语中,将来时的第一人称单数不用 shall,只用 willI shall/will be here tomorrow. BrE我明天在這裏。我明天在这里。I will be here tomorrow. NAmE我明天在這裏。我明天在这里。Nor is it used in polite offers.表示禮貌的提議也不用 shall表示礼貌的提议也不用 shallShall I open the window? BrE我把窗戶打開好嗎?我把窗户打开好吗?Should I open the window? NAmE我把窗戶打開好嗎?我把窗户打开好吗?Irregular verbs不規則動詞不规则动词In British English the past simple and past participle of many verbs can be formed with -ed or -t, for example burned/burnt. In American English only the forms ending in -ed are used.在英式英語中,許多動詞的一般過去式和過去分詞可以由 -ed-t 構成,如 burned/burnt,美式英語只用 -ed 結尾的形式。在英式英语中,许多动词的一般过去式和过去分词可以由 -ed-t 构成,如 burned/burnt,美式英语只用 -ed 结尾的形式。They burned/burnt the documents. BrE他們把文件燒了。他们把文件烧了。They burned the documents. NAmE他們把文件燒了。他们把文件烧了。When the past participle is used as an adjective, British English prefers the -t form, whereas in American English the -ed form is preferred, with the exception of burnt.在英式英語中,過去分詞用作形容詞時常用 -t 形式,在美式英語中則更常用 -ed 形式,但 burnt 除外。在英式英语中,过去分词用作形容词时常用 -t 形式,在美式英语中则更常用 -ed 形式,但 burnt 除外。a spoilt child BrE嬌慣壞了的孩子娇惯坏了的孩子a spoiled child NAmE嬌慣壞了的孩子娇惯坏了的孩子burnt toast BrE NAmE烤焦了的麪包片烤焦了的面包片Go/Come and …In these expressions and is often omitted.在下列表達方式中 and 通常省略不用。在下列表达方式中 and 通常省略不用。Go and take a look outside. BrE到外面去看看吧。到外面去看看吧。Go take a look outside. NAmE到外面去看看吧。到外面去看看吧。On the telephone打電話打电话Hello, is that David? BrE喂,是戴維嗎?喂,是戴维吗?Hello, is this David? NAmE喂,是戴維嗎?喂,是戴维吗?




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