

词组 pieces
释义 pieces /ˈpiːsɪz/ SEE ALL
fall to ˈpieces1. (usually used in the progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) (of things 东西) become very old and in bad condition because of long use 变得破旧不堪Our car is falling to pieces, we’ve had it so long.
2. (of a person, an organization, a plan, etc. 人、组织、计划等) stop working; be destroyed 崩溃;瓦解;粉碎He’s worried that the business will fall to pieces without him.
go (all) to ˈpieces (informal) (after a terrible shock, etc.) become so upset or nervous that you can no longer lead your life normally (因伤心、紧张等而)崩溃,垮掉;沮丧至极After he lost his job he just seemed to go to pieces.
OPP pull yourself together
ˌbits and ˈpieces ( ˌbits and ˈbobs BrE) (informal) small things of various kinds; belongings 零七碎八;零星物品She let me store a few bits and pieces in her apartment while I was abroad.我在国外的时候她让我在她的公寓存放一些零星物品。The box contained needles and thread and various bits and bobs for sewing.盒子里装着缝纫用的针头线脑之类的东西。pick, pull, etc. sb/sth to ˈbits/ˈpiecescriticize sb/sth severely and find as many faults with them/it as you can 把…批评得一无是处The committee pulled his proposal to bits. They didn’t have anything positive at all to say about it.委员会把他的提议说得一无是处,没有哪怕一点儿的肯定。As soon as she left the room, everyone started pulling her to pieces.她一离开房间,大家就纷纷开始指责她。pick up the ˈpiecesdo what you can to get your life, a situation, etc. back to normal after a disaster, shock, etc. 恢复正常;重整旗鼓;收拾残局After his son was killed in a car accident, it took him a long time to pick up the pieces.他的儿子死于车祸之后,他花了好长时间才恢复过来。It’s always the same with her husband. He upsets everyone and then leaves her to pick up the pieces.她的丈夫本性难改,他和所有人吵翻,让她收拾残局。tear sb/sth to ˈpieces/ˈshredscriticize sb/sth; completely destroy sth 怒斥;批驳;彻底摧毁The press tore the Government’s economic plans to shreds.媒体把政府的经济计划批评得一无是处。The Prime Minister tore his opponents’ arguments to pieces.首相把反对派的观点批驳得体无完肤。 OPP praise sb/sth to the skies




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