

词组 piece
释义 piece /piːs/ SEE ALL
give sb a piece of your ˈmind (informal) angrily tell sb your true opinion of them; criticize sb angrily 生气地对…直言;斥责If he doesn’t turn that music down soon, I’m going to give him a piece of my mind.
OPP bite your tongue
(all) in one ˈpiece (informal) not hurt or harmed, especially after being in danger or in an accident (尤指经历危险或事故之后)安然无恙‘Are you all right, Richard?’ ‘Yes, thanks. I’m still in one piece, I think. I’ve torn my jacket, that’s all.’
(all) of a ˈpiece (with sth) (formal) possessing the same character or qualities; consistent (with sth) (与…)一模一样,相一致When you see a lot of his paintings together, you feel that his work is all of a piece.
This latest programme is all of a piece with current popular science programmes on TV.
ˌpiece by ˈpieceone part at a time 一点一点地;逐个地He took his motorcycle apart piece by piece, cleaned it, and put it back together.
a piece of ˈcake (informal) (BrE also a piece of ˈpiss , slang ) (of a task, etc. 任务等) very easy to do 小菜一碟;不费吹灰之力After climbing mountains in the Swiss Alps, going up English hills is a piece of cake.
Taking photos should be a piece of cake with the new camera I’ve got.
OPP a tall order
a piece/slice of the ˈaction (informal) a share or role in an interesting or exciting activity, especially in order to make money (利益的)一份;一杯羹Foreign firms will all want a piece of the action if the new airport goes ahead.新机场倘若能开建,外国公司都会想分得一杯羹。a share/slice of the ˈcake (BrE) (NAmE a piece/share/slice of the ˈpie) a share of the benefits or profits 分得的一份好处(或利益)Third-world countries are discovering how their natural resources have been exploited by the rest of the world and now they want a bigger slice of the cake.第三世界国家逐渐发现他们的自然资源被其他国家开发利用,现在他们想要享有更大的份额。how long is a piece of ˈstring? (BrE, spoken) used to say that there is no definite answer to a question (表示没有确切的答案)说不准‘How long will it take?’ ‘How long’s a piece of string?’“需要多长时间?”“没准儿。”a nasty piece of ˈwork (BrE, informal) a very unpleasant and dangerous person 恶棍;令人讨厌的人;卑鄙的人Keep away from Bill Smith — he’s a very nasty piece of work.离比尔 ∙ 史密斯远点,他不是个好东西。The factory manager was a nasty piece of work. We were all terrified of him.工厂经理脾气很坏,我们都很怕他。your ˈparty piece (BrE, informal) the same song, poem, trick, etc. that you often do in order to entertain people at parties (社交聚会上的)拿手戏,娱乐节目His party piece is to stand on his head and drink a glass of water.他在社交聚会上的保留节目就是头朝下倒立喝一杯水。say your ˈpiece (informal) say exactly what you feel or think 说出心里话;表明意见I went to see the boss this morning and I said my piece about our working conditions. He wasn’t very happy about it.今天早晨我去见了老板,跟他一五一十地说了我们的工作条件。他为此不太高兴。the ˈvillain of the piece (especially humorous) a person or thing that is responsible for a particular problem, difficulty, etc. 元凶;祸首;症结Nicolette’s the villain of the piece, since she’s the person who started all this trouble.尼科莉特是罪魁祸首,所有乱子都是她引起的。 NOTE The villain is the principal evil character in a book, a play, etc. * villain指书、剧本等中主要的反面角色。




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