

词组 perfect
释义 perfect BrE /ˈpɜːfɪkt/
NAmE /ˈpɜːrf-/
SEE ALLˌpractice makes ˈperfect (saying) a way of encouraging people by telling them that if you do an activity regularly you will become very good at it (用于鼓励别人)熟能生巧If you want to learn a language, speak it as much as you can. Practice makes perfect!要想学好一门外语,就要尽可能地多说,熟能生巧嘛!in an ˌideal/a ˌperfect ˈworldused to say that sth is what you would like to happen or what should happen, but you know it cannot 在理想的世界里;在理想的状态下In an ideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything.理想的状况是所有的东西都能回收再用。




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