

词组 tough
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be/get ˈtough (on/with sb)be strict with sb whose behaviour you do not like; be ready to punish sb (对…)态度强硬起来;准备教训(某人)It’s time to get tough with football hooligans.
be tough on crime
(as) tough as ˈnails (informal) 1. very strong and able to deal successfully with difficult conditions or situations 身体强壮;非常坚强She’s almost 90 but she’s still as tough as nails.
她都快 90 岁了,但还是很硬朗。
2. not feeling or showing any emotion 不轻易流露感情;铁石心肠
(as) tough as old ˈboots (informal) 1. (of food 食物) be very tough and difficult to chew 硬而难嚼This steak’s as tough as old boots.
2. very strong and able to bear pain, criticism, etc. without complaining or giving up 坚强;顽强Don’t worry, she’ll soon recover. She’s tough as old boots.
a tough ˈcustomer/ˈcookie (informal) a person who knows what they want and is not easily influenced by other people 很有主见的人;不易受他人影响的人Self-confident, ambitious and positive, Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to do well.
a ˈtough guy (informal) a strong, independent-minded person who seems to be afraid of nothing 硬汉(指顽强、独立、无所畏惧的人)The most famous ‘tough guy’ in American movies was John Wayne.
美国电影里最赫赫有名的“硬汉”要数约翰 ∙ 韦恩了。
tough ˈlovetreating sb in a harsh way in order to help them improve their situation or change the way they behave 严厉的爱,爱之深责之切(通过严格要求来帮助某人)She believes in ‘tough love’ for dealing with disruptive youngsters.
when the ˌgoing gets ˈtough (the ˌtough get ˈgoing) (saying) when conditions or progress become difficult, then strong and determined people work even harder to succeed 当情况变坏时;当前途不顺时;艰难之路唯勇者行I know it’s going to be hard work, but you can always call me when the going gets tough.
a hard/tough act to ˈfollowa person or a group that is so good or successful at sth that it will be difficult for anyone else who comes after them to be as good or successful 难以超越的人(或群体)The last head teacher achieved a lot — she’ll be a hard act to follow.前任校长成就卓著,接替者将难以望其项背。 NOTE An act is one of several short pieces of entertainment in a show. * act 是节目中小段文娱表演。 hang ˈtough (NAmE) be determined and refuse to change your attitude or ideas 坚定;坚持己见;寸步不让Employees are being urged to hang tough and continue negotiations with management.员工们被鼓动要坚持立场,继续与管理层谈判。tough/bad ˈluck (informal) 1. (BrE) used to show sympathy for sth unfortunate that has happened to sb (表示同情)真不幸‘I failed by one point.’ ‘That’s tough luck.’“我只差一分没能及格。”“真不幸。”2. ( tough) ( tough ˈshit, tough ˈtitty , slang ) (ironic) used to show that you do not feel sorry for sb who has a problem (表示并不同情)该你倒霉‘If you take the car, I won’t be able to go out.’ ‘Tough luck!’“要是你把车开走,我就没法外出了。”“该你倒霉!”If you don’t like the idea, tough. You should have said something earlier.如果你不喜欢这个主意,只能怪你自己,你怎么不早说呢。a hard/tough ˈnut (to ˈcrack) (informal) a very difficult problem to solve; a very difficult person to deal with 棘手的问题;难对付的人Persuading drivers to leave their cars at home and use public transport will be a very tough nut to crack.要说服有车族把汽车停在家中而使用公共交通工具是很伤脑筋的。You’ll find it difficult to make him change his mind. He’s a tough nut.你会发现很难说服他改变主意,他很难对付。talk ˈtough (on sth) (informal, especially NAmE) tell people very strongly what you want 说话口气强硬;强烈要求Before the elections, the party talked tough on crime, but little has been done since they’ve been in power.大选之前,该党表示要严厉打击犯罪,但是当政以后他们毫无动作。




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