

词组 book
释义 book /bʊk/ SEE ALL
bring sb to ˈbook (for sth) (formal, especially BrE) make sb explain their actions, or punish them 要求某人(为某行为)作出解释;(因某事)惩罚某人This is just another of the many crimes for which nobody was ever brought to book.
by the ˈbookstrictly following the rules or the official way of doing sth 循规蹈矩;严格按照规章办事He insists on doing everything by the book.
in sb’s book (spoken) in sb’s opinion; according to sb’s judgement 依某人的观点;照某人看They took the car away without asking me, and in my book that’s theft.
throw the ˈbook at sb (informal) punish or criticize sb for as many things as possible 一股脑儿地把罪名扣在某人身上;狠狠地责罚某人The police stopped me for speeding and threw the book at me for everything — faulty lights, dangerous tyres, no insurance…
at ˌclose ˈquartersfrom/within a very short distance 从近处;近距离地You have to examine the paint at close quarters in order to see the tiny scratches on it.你得近距离检查油漆才能看到上面的些微擦痕。a closed ˈbook (to sb)a person or a subject that you know nothing about 完全不了解的人;一窍不通的事物I’m afraid geophysics is rather a closed book to me.我对地球物理学一窍不通。Please let’s not talk about her former life, that’s all a closed book now.咱们就不要去谈她过去的生活吧,既然我们对此一无所知。don’t judge a ˌbook by its ˈcover (saying) used to say that you should not form an opinion about sb/sth from their appearance only 不要以貌取人;勿以外表作评判When we arrived we found that the hotel we’d booked looked awful, but as they say, you should never judge a book by its cover.我们抵达后发现预订的酒店看起来简直不堪入目。不过,人们常说不要光看外表。take a leaf out of sb’s ˈbookfollow sb’s example because you admire them and their way of doing sth 效仿,模仿(所仰慕之人)If you’re having difficulty with the children, take a leaf out of Sandra’s book. She knows how to control them.对待孩子方面遇到难题,你可以照桑德拉讲的去做。她知道如何管住孩子。 NOTE Leaf is an old word for a page. * leaf 是旧词,意为“页,张”。 an ˌopen ˈbooka person whose behaviour, attitudes, thoughts, etc. are very easy to understand, either because you know them very well or because they are very open and honest 极了解的人;很熟悉的人;极坦率的人After living with her for 20 years, she’s an open book to me.我与她共同生活了 20 年,对她了如指掌。His life is an open book. He has no secrets.他的生活坦坦荡荡,没有任何秘密。 OPP a closed book (to sb) ˌread sb like a ˈbook (informal) understand sb so well that you can guess what they will say or do before they say or do it 对某人了如指掌;看透某人She found that after living with him for a year or more, she could read him like a book.她发现和他共同生活了一年多以后,她对他了如指掌。ˌsuit your/sb’s ˈbook (BrE, informal) be convenient or useful for you/sb 符合某人的要求;对某人方便(或有用)Well, if you’re honest and hard-working, that suits our book.嗯,要是你诚实肯干,那正合我们的需要。try, use, etc. every trick in the ˈbooktry any method you know to get sth or get sb to do sth you want 使尽浑身解数;千方百计He’ll use every trick in the book to try and stop you.他会想尽一切办法来阻止你。a ˌturn-up for the ˈbook(s) (BrE, informal) an unusual or unexpected event 很不寻常的事;出乎意料的事情Everyone thought John would win, so when Richard won it was a real turn-up for the books.所有人都以为约翰会赢,所以理查德获胜实在是出乎大家的意料。 ORIGIN This expression comes from gambling. A turn-up was a horse, etc. that won unexpectedly, to the benefit of bookmakers, and books are the records of bets. 这个表达法源于赌博。turn-up 指爆冷赢得比赛、从而使赌注登记经纪人获利的马或其他动物,books 则指赛马赌注记录。




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