

词组 bone
释义 bone BrE /bəʊn/
NAmE /boʊn/
ˌbone ˈidle (BrE, informal) (of a person ) very lazy 非常懒;懒到极点The family consists of Vera, her intensely irritating husband and her two bone idle sons.
a bone of conˈtentiona matter about which there is a lot of disagreement 争议的焦点The interpretation of this painting has long been a bone of contention among art historians.
close to/near the ˈbone (informal) likely to offend or upset sb because, for example, a remark contains elements of truth (话语)过于直率,不留情面Some of the things she said to him about his failure to find work were a bit close to the bone.
cut, pare, etc. sth to the ˈbonereduce sth to the point where no further reduction is possible 尽量缩减;减少到最低限度We have cut the costs of the business to the bone, but they are still too high for us to make any profit.
have a ˈbone to pick with sb (informal) have sth that you want to complain to sb about 要跟某人讲理;要跟某人抱怨;要挑某人的不是Here, I’ve got a bone to pick with you: why did you tell David I wasn’t at home when he phoned?
not have a…bone in your bodyhave none of the quality mentioned 没有某种品性She was honest and hard-working, and didn’t have an unkind bone in her body.
throw sb a ˈbonegive sb a small part of what they want as a way of showing that you want to help or because you feel sympathy for them 分一点好处给某人;施以小惠The government threw a bone to environmentalists by acknowledging the need for cleaner energy.informal)
(NAmE, Throw me a bone here! (= give me a little help)
chill sb to the ˈbone/ˈmarrowfrighten sb very much 吓坏某人His threat chilled her to the bone.他的威胁把她吓坏了。 NOTE Marrow is a soft substance that fills the hollow parts of bones. * marrow 指骨髓。 (as) dry as a ˈbonevery dry 十分干燥;干透的work your ˌfingers to the ˈbone (informal) work very hard 拼老命干;不停手地干It’s not fair — I work my fingers to the bone all day and then I have to cook and clean in the evenings.这不公平。我白天拼命工作,晚上还得做饭,打扫卫生。be (all/just/nothing but) skin and ˈbone(s) (informal) be very or too thin 瘦得皮包骨;瘦骨嶙峋After two years in prison, he was nothing but skin and bone.在监狱里呆了两年,他瘦得只剩一把骨头。




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