

词组 blow
释义 blow BrE /bləʊ/
NAmE /bloʊ/
at a (single) ˈblowat one ˈblowwith a single action or effort; all at once 一击;一下子;一举By stopping all payments to her sons, she made all three of them poor at one blow.
blow away the ˈcobwebs (informal) make you feel lively and refreshed, especially after you have been indoors for too long (尤指长时间呆在室内后去户外活动)使头脑清醒,使精神振作After sitting around for hours, we went out and had a long walk along the beach to blow the cobwebs away.
NOTE A cobweb is a fine net of threads made by a spider, often found in rooms or buildings that have not been used for a long time. * cobweb 指蜘蛛网,常见于久置不用的房间或建筑物中。
blow your/sb’s ˈbrains out (informal) kill yourself/sb by shooting in the head 枪击头部自杀;把某人的脑袋打开花He was so depressed about his debts that he wanted to blow his brains out.
blow ˈchunks (NAmE, slang) vomit (= bring food from the stomach back out through the mouth) 呕吐Harry is green — looks like he’s going to blow chunks.
blow sb’s ˈcover (informal) discover or reveal the real identity of sb, especially of a spy, etc. 发现(或泄露)某人(尤指间谍等)的身份She had been posing as a diplomat, but her cover was blown when she was found sending coded messages to agents.
blow a ˈfuse (informal) get very angry 大发雷霆;暴跳如雷It was only a suggestion, Rob. There’s no need to blow a fuse.
NOTE This refers to the fact that if the flow of electricity in a piece of electrical equipment is too strong, the fuse (= a small wire or device inside it) will break ( blow), often with a loud noise, and stop the current. 这个习语原指电器中的电流太强时 fuse (保险丝)通常会啪的一声熔断(blow),从而切断电流。
blow the ˈgaff (on sb/sth) (BrE, informal) reveal a secret 泄露秘密She didn’t want anyone to know where she had been, but her husband blew the gaff.
OPP keep mum
blow hot and ˈcold (informal) keep changing your opinions about sb/sth 拿不定主意;出尔反尔;冷热无常She keeps blowing hot and cold about the job: one day she says it’s marvellous, the next she hates it.
ˈblow itblow your ˈchanceswaste an opportunity 失去机会;错失良机You had your chance and you blew it.
She blew her chances by arriving late for the interview.
blow ˈme! (old-fashioned, BrE, informal) used for expressing great surprise (表示非常惊讶)难以置信‘Isn’t that Alice over there?’ ‘Well, blow me! I thought she was in Japan!’
blow your/sb’s ˈmind (informal) make you/sb feel extreme pleasure, excitement, etc. 使极度高兴(或兴奋等)This new game will blow your mind!


We were stunned by the mind-blowing beauty of the landscape.
blow sb/sth out of the ˈwater (informal) 1. destroy sb/sth completely 彻底摧毁某人/某事物;把…打得落花流水2. show that sb/sth is not good at all 表明某人/某物一点也不好A DVD music system plays discs that look like CDs, but blows them out of the water.
DVD 音乐播放设备播放的光盘外表像 CD,可是比 CD 的效果要好太多了。
blow your own ˈtrumpet (especially BrE) (NAmE usually blow/toot your own ˈhorn) (informal) talk proudly about your own achievements, abilities, etc.; praise yourself 自吹自擂;自夸I don’t like to blow my own trumpet, but the office was much better run when I was in charge.
ORIGIN This phrase refers to the custom of announcing important guests by blowing a loud musical instrument. 这个短语原指重要客人到来时需吹号宣告的习俗。
blow sb/sth ˌsky-ˈhigh (informal) destroy sb/sth completely in an explosion 将某人/某物炸得飞上天;炸飞The explosives factory was blown sky-high when one of the workers lit a match.
blow ˈsmoke (up sb’s ass[taboo]) (NAmE, slang) try to trick sb or lie to sb, particularly by saying that sth is better than it really is 试图蒙骗某人;放“烟雾弹”I won’t blow smoke up your ass. Your product is OK but I’ve seen better.
blow your ˈtop (BrE) (NAmE blow your ˈstack) (informal) suddenly become very angry 大发雷霆;火冒三丈My mum blew her top when she found out that I’d damaged her car.
blow up in sb’s ˈface (of a situation, plan, project, etc. 情况、计划、项目等) end or fail suddenly, with bad results 突然结束(或失败)Starting up the business was difficult, and it all nearly blew up in his face when his partner fell sick at the last minute.
blow the ˈwhistle (on sb/sth) (informal) stop sb doing sth illegal or wrong by telling a person in authority about it 检举,揭发(某人/某事)(使某人停止干违法的事或错事)One of the police officers blew the whistle on his colleagues when he found out they were taking bribes.


a person who informs people in authority or the public that the company they work for is doing sth wrong or illegal 检举揭发舞弊内情的人;举报人The company has denied a whistle-blower’s allegations of poor security.
NOTE This idiom probably comes from football, where a referee blows a whistle to stop the game when a player breaks the rules. 这个习语或许源于足球。球员犯规时裁判就吹哨中止比赛。
cushion/soften the ˈblowmake sth unpleasant seem less unpleasant and easier to accept 缓解打击;缓和;安慰When he lost his job he was offered a cash payment to soften the blow.
deal sb/sth a ˈblowdeal a blow to sb/sthbe a shock for sb; make sth fail, etc. 给以一击;令…震惊;使…失败The death of her father dealt her a terrible blow.父亲的去世使她受到沉重的打击。Losing his job dealt a blow to his hopes of buying his own house.失业使他买房子的希望化为泡影。blow/sod[taboo] ˈthis/ˈthat for a game of soldiers (BrE, slang) used by sb who does not want to do sth because it is annoying or involves too much effort (嫌太讨厌或麻烦而不愿意做某事)算了吧After waiting for twenty minutes more, he thought ‘sod this for a game of soldiers’, and left.又等了二十分钟以后,他想:“真麻烦,算了吧”,就离开了。blow/sod[taboo] ˈthat for a lark (BrE, slang) used by sb who does not want to do sth because it involves too much effort (因太费力而不想干时说)算了,够了,就这么得了Sod that for a lark! I’m not doing any more tonight.拉倒吧! 我今晚再也不干了。 NOTE A lark is a thing that you do for fun or as a joke. * lark 意为“嬉戏”或“玩乐”。 ˌpuff and ˈpant/ˈblow (informal) breathe quickly and loudly through your mouth after physical effort 气喘吁吁;呼哧呼哧地喘气Eventually, puffing and panting, he arrived at the gate.最后,他气喘吁吁地来到了门口。blow/knock sb’s ˈsocks off (informal) surprise or impress sb very much 使某人万分惊愕;给某人留下深刻印象With that dress and your new haircut you’ll knock their socks off!你穿这件衣服,再加上这个新发型,一定会把他们惊呆的!strike a blow for/against/at sthact forcefully in support of/against sth (for example a belief, principle or group of people) 维护/损害(信念、原则或团体等)The protest was a chance to strike a blow for freedom.这一抗议是维护自由的一个机会。The new law would strike a blow against racism.新法律会给种族主义以打击。




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