lamb /læm/► SEE ALLbe mutton dressed (up) as lamb(like) a lamb/lambs to the slaughterin two shakesin a couple of shakes(you, etc.) may/might as well be hanged/hung for a sheep as (for) a lamb●be mutton dressed (up) as ˈlamb (BrE, informal, disapproving) used to describe a woman who is trying to look younger than she really is, especially by wearing clothes that are designed for young people(女人)装嫩;老来俏;老黄瓜刷绿漆◆Have you seen her? Mutton dressed as lamb. Somebody should remind her that she’s 55, not 25.你看见她了吗?那个老来俏。应该提醒她,她今年 55 了,不是 25。NOTEMutton is the meat from an adult sheep, while lamb is the meat from a young sheep. * mutton 是成年羊肉,而 lamb 是小羊肉。●(like) a lamb/lambs to the ˈslaughter(do sth or go somewhere) without protesting, probably because you do not realize that you are in danger(像)被带到屠宰场的羔羊(指将遇危险而不自觉的人)◆When the war started, thousands of young men went off to fight, like lambs to the slaughter.战争开始后,成千上万的年轻小伙子奔赴战场,就像羔羊被带进了屠宰场。NOTESlaughter is the killing of animals for their meat. * slaughter 指对动物进行宰杀。●in two ˈshakes●in a couple of ˈshakes ( in two ˌshakes of a ˈlamb’s tailold-fashioned) (informal) very soon很快;马上◆I’ve just got to make a phone call. I’ll be with you in two shakes.我还要打个电话,马上就来。●(you, etc.) may/might as well be hanged/hung for a ˌsheep as (for) a ˈlamb (saying) if you are going to be punished for doing sth wrong, whether it is a big or small thing, you may as well do the big thing反正都是死,不如死得其所;反正要挨罚,索性一错到底◆I’m already late but I’ll stay and have another drink. May as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb.已经晚了,我索性再喝一杯。反正已经迟到了,再晚一会儿也无妨。ORIGINIn the past, the punishment for stealing farm animals such as sheep was death by hanging.旧时偷盗绵羊等牲畜会被绞死。