

词组 knot
释义 knot BrE /nɒt/
NAmE /nɑːt/
SEE ALLcut/untie the ˌGordian ˈknotsolve a very difficult or complicated problem with forceful action 快刀斩乱麻;大刀阔斧地解决难题Will the negotiators be able to untie the Gordian knot?这些谈判者能够果断地解决这个难题吗? ORIGIN This expression comes from the legend in which King Gordius tied a very complicated knot and said that whoever untied it would become the ruler of Asia. Alexander the Great cut through the knot with his sword. 这个表达法源于神话传说,戈尔迪王曾打了一个非常难解的结,并宣称谁能解开这个结即能统治亚洲。结果亚历山大大帝用剑将此结劈开。get/have your ˈknickers in a twist (BrE) (NAmE get/have your ˈpanties in a knot) (informal) react too strongly to a difficult situation by getting angry, upset, confused, etc. (面对困境)恼火,烦闷,慌乱The boss is getting his knickers in a twist about these sales figures.老板看到这些销售数字大为恼火。Don’t get your panties in a knot about it! It’s no big deal.发那么大火,这又没什么大不了的!tie the ˈknot (informal) get married 结婚;结为连理When did you two decide to tie the knot?你们俩是什么时候决定成家的?




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