

词组 spot
释义 spot BrE /spɒt/
NAmE /spɑːt/
ˌglued/ˌrooted to the ˈspotnot able to move, for example because you are frightened or surprised (因为惧怕或吃惊而)钉在原地,呆若木鸡He shouted at her to run, but she just stood there, glued to the spot.
She stood there rooted to the spot when she saw the body.
on the ˈspot1. at the place where sth is happening 在现场Our man on the spot is Geoff Davies. He’s going to tell us exactly what’s happening in Cairo.
我们在现场的是杰夫 ∙ 戴维斯,他将向我们真真切切地讲述开罗目前的情况。
2. immediately; without any delay 当场;当下The police officer asked me for my driving licence and I gave it to him on the spot.
on-the-spot fines
put sb on the ˈspotput sb in a difficult position, perhaps by asking them a difficult or embarrassing question (提出难题或令人尴尬的问题)使某人为难Her question about my future plans really put me on the spot.
bang/spot ˈon (informal) (of an estimate, a description, etc. 估计、描述等) exactly right 准确无误She was bang on when she called him an idiot: that’s just what he is!她叫他白痴,再合适不过了:他就是个白痴!Your sales estimate was spot on. Well done!你的销量估计十分准确。很好!a ˈblack spota place where accidents often happen, especially on a road 事故多发地带This junction is a well-known accident black spot.这个交叉路口是有名的事故多发之地。a/sb’s ˈblind spota small part of a subject that sb does not understand or know anything about 盲区;不理解(或一窍不通)的部分I’m a real music lover but I have to say that modern jazz is a bit of a blind spot with me.我确实很喜欢音乐,可是我得说现代爵士乐是我的“盲区”。a/the ˈbright spota good or pleasant part of sth that is unpleasant or bad in all other ways (不幸或逆境中)令人高兴的事,闪光点The win last week was the only bright spot in their last ten games.上周的胜利是他们最近十场比赛中唯一的亮点。the ˈhigh point/spot of sththe best, most interesting, entertaining, etc. part of sth 最好(或最有趣等)的部分;顶点;最佳状态The high spot of our trip was the visit to Rome.我们旅行中最带劲的是游览罗马。It was the high point of the evening.那是晚会的高潮。hit the ˈspot (informal) if sth hits the spot it does exactly what it should do 发挥作用;适得其用;切合需要I decided I wasn’t really hungry, but the coffee really hit the spot and I drank a whole pot.我觉得其实我不饿,可是咖啡来得正是时候,我就喝了一整壶。a ˈhot spot (informal) 1. a place where fighting is common, especially for political reasons (尤指因政治原因而)冲突不断的地方;热点地区As a journalist, I get sent to one hot spot after another.作为记者,我被派往一个个热点地区。2. a place where there is a lot of activity or entertainment 热闹的娱乐场所;夜生活中心We went clubbing in some of Ibiza’s most famous hot spots.我们去伊维萨岛一些最著名的娱乐区逛夜总会。be ˌriveted to the ˈspot/ˈgroundbe so shocked or frightened that you cannot move (因震惊或恐惧而)呆立不动,呆若木鸡As he walked away, she wanted to run after him but she felt frozen, riveted to the spot.他转身离去时,她想追上去,但觉得自己的身体好像僵了,一步也挪不动。have a soft ˈspot for sb/sth (informal) particularly like sb/sth 特别喜欢某人/某物I’ve always had a soft spot for my little cousin Clare.我一直特别喜欢我的小表妹克莱尔。in a tight ˈcorner/ˈspot (informal) in a very difficult situation 被逼到角落里;身处困境;遇到大麻烦He’s in a bit of a tight spot at the moment. The bank has given him one week to find $2 000.他现在有点焦头烂额,银行让他在一个星期以内凑足 2 000 美元。




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