

词组 peace
释义 peace /piːs/ SEE ALL
be at ˈpeace1. not be fighting 处于和平状态In 1945 the western world was once again at peace.
1945 年,西方世界又重新恢复了和平。
2. be calm or quiet 镇定;平静He’s much more at peace with himself now than he used to be.
3. (of sb who has recently died 刚刚去世的人) no longer suffering 不再在人间吃苦了We have to comfort ourselves with the knowledge that she’s at peace now.
ˌhold your ˈpeace/ˈtongue (old-fashioned) say nothing; remain silent although you would like to give your opinion 不作声;保持缄默We don’t want anyone to know what’s happened, so you’d better hold your tongue — do you understand?
I didn’t want to start another argument, so I held my peace.
ˌkeep the ˈpeace1. prevent people from fighting, arguing, etc. 息事宁人;维持秩序The United Nations is sending in troops to keep the peace.
If I’m at home I can keep the peace; if I’m not, they fight all day long.
2. (formal) not create a disturbance in a public place 不扰乱治安;不引起骚动The court ordered him to keep the peace.
make (your) ˈpeace with sbend an argument, a quarrel, etc. with sb, for example by saying sorry to them (通过道歉等)与某人和解,言归于好He made his peace with his mother just before she died.
OPP pick a fight/quarrel (with sb)
peace and ˈquieta period of calm, silence, etc., especially after noise, stress, etc. (尤指喧闹、压力等后的)宁静Why don’t you all go and play outside? Your mother needs a bit of peace and quiet.
a/the ˈpeace dividendmoney that governments save by not buying weapons 和平红利(指政府削减军备而节省的钱)The Health Service should benefit from the peace dividend.
peace of ˈmindfreedom from worry, anxiety, guilt, etc. 心境的安宁;安心He seemed to find peace of mind in the last few weeks of his life.
a ˈpeace offeringa present that you give to sb to show that you are sorry for sth or want to make peace after an argument (争吵后为表示歉意送的)和平礼物,谢罪礼He left her chocolates as a peace offering, hoping that she would forgive him.
there’s no peace/rest for the ˈwicked (usually humorous) used when sb is complaining that they have a lot of work to do (抱怨工作太多时说)恶人一刻不得闲Well, it’s been nice talking to you, but I really must go. No rest for the wicked!跟你聊天真开心,但我必须走了。每天都忙得像个无头苍蝇似的!




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