释义 |
●beˌyond the ˈpaleconsidered socially unacceptable 出格;越轨;令人不能容忍◆Her behaviour towards her employees is completely beyond the pale. She treats them like servants. 她对待员工们的态度令人不能容忍,就像对佣人一样。 ORIGIN A pale was a boundary made of wooden posts or the safe area inside this. In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, the part of Ireland that was under English rule was called the Pale. The area outside this was beyond the Pale and considered wild and dangerous by the English. * pale 原指用木桩标明的界限或其内部区域。14 和 15 世纪时,爱尔兰受英国统治的地区被称为 the Pale,在此以外的地方则被称为 beyond the Pale,英国人把这样的地方视为野蛮危险之地。 |