

词组 better
释义 better /ˈbetə(r)/ SEE ALL
against your better ˈjudgement (especially BrE) (NAmE usually against your better ˈjudgment) although you know your action, decision, etc. is not sensible 明知不明智;明知不可取She was persuaded against her better judgement to lend him the money, and now she’s regretting it.
be better ˈoffhave more money 更富足Families will be better off under the new law.
Under the new tax regulations I will be a few dollars a month better off.
OPP be worse off
be better off (doing sth)used to say that sb is/would be happier or more satisfied if they were in a particular position or did a particular thing (在某种情况下)更幸福,更满意She’s better off without him.
You’d be better off staying at home with that cold.
ˌbetter the ˌdevil you ˈknow (than the devil you don’t) (saying) it is better to deal with sb/sth bad, difficult, etc. that is familiar than to make a change and perhaps have to deal with sb/sth worse 跟认识的魔鬼打交道总比跟不认识的好(指不要嫌某人/某事物不好,换个新的可能更糟)(all) the better for sthmade better by sth or by doing sth; benefiting from sth 通过(做)…使有改善;从…中获益You’ll be all the better for a weekend by the sea.
ˌbetter ˌlate than ˈnever (saying) it is better to arrive, do sth, etc. late than not to arrive, do sth, etc. at all 迟到总比不到强;迟做总比不做好You were supposed to be here an hour ago, still better late than never, I suppose!
ˌbetter luck ˈnext time (spoken) used to encourage sb who has not been successful at sth (用于鼓励受挫的人)祝下次好运ˌbetter (to be) ˌsafe than ˈsorry (saying) it is better to be too careful than to do sth careless that you may later regret 稳妥总比后悔好We’d better fill the car up with petrol now. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
the ˌbigger, ˌfaster, etc. the ˈbetterused to say that sth should be as big, fast, etc. as possible 越大(或快等)越好As far as the hard disk is concerned, the bigger the better.
do better to do sthused to say that it would be more sensible to do sth 最好去做某事;做某事更明智You’d do better to buy a good-quality radio, even if it is more expensive.
for ˌbetter or (for) ˈworsewhether the result is good or bad 不管是好是坏;无论结果如何I’ve decided, for better or for worse, to leave my job.
get the ˈbetter of sb/sthdefeat sb/sth 打败;战胜;占上风She always manages to get the better of me at tennis.
Eventually, his curiosity got the better of him and he had to take a look in the box.
go one ˈbetter (than sb/sth)do sth better than sb else; improve on sth 胜过(某人/某事物)一筹I bought a new tennis racket but my sister had to go one better by buying the most expensive one in the shop.
had better/best do sthused to tell sb what you think they should do 最好做某事;应该做某事You’d better lock the door before you leave: there are lots of thieves about.
Hadn’t you better check to see if the baby is all right?
‘Shall I phone her now?’ ‘You’d best not. She might be asleep.’
have seen/known better ˈdaysbe in a worse condition than in the past 今不如昔;曾有过一段好日子That jacket of yours has seen better days — isn’t it time you bought a new one?
little/no ˈbetter thanalmost or just the same as; almost or just as bad as 跟…差不多;比…好不到哪去The path was no better than a sheep track.
so much the ˈbetter/ˈworse (for sb/sth)it is better/worse for that reason 那就更好/更糟‘I seem to have made my curry hotter than usual.’ ‘So much the better. I love hot curries.’
take a ˌturn for the ˈbetter/ˈworsebecome better/worse 好转/恶化The weather is taking a turn for the worse, I’m afraid.
that’s (much) ˈbetter1. used to give support to sb who has been upset and is trying to become calmer (用于劝慰某人)这样好多了Dry your eyes now. That’s better.
2. used to praise sb who has made an effort to improve (用于表扬某人的努力)好多了That’s much better — you played the right notes this time.
you/you’d better beˈlieve it! (spoken) used to tell sb that sth is definitely true 那是千真万确;你别不信‘He’s not a bad player, is he?’ ‘You’d better believe it!’
diˌscretion is the ˌbetter part of ˈvalour (BrE) (NAmE diˌscretion is the ˌbetter part of ˈvalor) (saying) you should avoid danger and not take unnecessary risks 谨慎即大勇;不作无谓的冒险 ORIGIN This comes from Shakespeare’s play Henry IV. 这个习语源于莎士比亚戏剧《亨利四世》。half a ˌloaf is better than ˈnone/no ˈbread (saying) you should be grateful for sth, even if it is not as good, much, etc. as you really wanted; something is better than nothing 有总比没有好;聊胜于无They’re only going to agree to some of this, but half a loaf is better than none, I suppose.他们只会同意其中的一部分,不过我想总比什么都不同意强。your better/other ˈhalf (informal, humorous) your wife or husband 妻子(或丈夫);那口子I’ll have to ask my better half about that.那事我得问问我那位。ˌkiss sth ˈbetter (spoken) take away the pain of an injury by kissing it 以吻消除疼痛;亲一亲就不痛了Come here and let me kiss it better.过来让我亲一亲就不痛了。know ˈbetter (than that/than to do sth)be sensible enough not to do sth 明白事理(而不至于);不至于糊涂到You left the car unlocked? I thought you’d know better.你没把车锁上? 我还以为你不至于那么糊涂。He knows better than to judge by appearances.他不傻,不会凭表面现象来推断。not know any ˈbetternot behave well, politely, etc. because you have never learned how to (因缺乏教养而)举止无礼,没有礼貌You can’t blame him for his bad table manners; he doesn’t know any better.别责怪他不懂餐桌礼仪,没有人教过他。the better/best part of sthmost of sth 绝大部分;多半I worked at the camp for the better part of the summer.我夏天的大部分时间都在营地工作。He had lived there for the best part of fifty years.他 50 年来大部分时间都住在那里。preˌvention is better than ˈcure (BrE) (NAmE an ounce of preˌvention is better than a pound of ˈcure) (saying) it is better to stop sth bad from happening rather than try to deal with the problems after it has happened 治病不如防病;防患于未然是上策Remember that prevention is better than cure, so brush your teeth at least twice a day and visit your dentist for regular check-ups.记住,预防胜于补救,所以每天至少要刷两次牙,并且要定期作牙科检查。the less/least said, the ˈbetter (saying) it is better in a difficult situation to say nothing or very little, because otherwise you might make it worse 少说为妙He’s very angry and she’s very upset, so don’t say anything about cars or accidents. Remember, the less said, the better.他很生气,而她又很难过,所以你别提车或车祸的事。记住,少说为妙。the ˌsooner the ˈbettervery soon; as soon as possible 尽早;越早越好‘When shall I tell him?’ ‘The sooner the better.’“我什么时候告诉他?”“越快越好。”think (the) ˈbetter of sbhave a higher opinion of sb 对某人有较高的评价She has behaved appallingly — I must say I thought better of her.她做得太过分了,我得承认过去是高估了她。think ˈbetter of it/of doing sthdecide not to do sth that you were intending to do 改变想法;决定不做某事He was about to say something, but then he thought better of it and kept quiet.他本打算说些什么,可是又改变了主意,什么也没说。two heads are better than ˈone (saying) two people who are trying to solve a problem together achieve more than one person who works alone 人多力量大;两个人的智慧总比一个人强




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