

词组 times
释义 times /taɪmz/ SEE ALL
at all ˈtimesalways 总是;一直Our representatives are ready to help you at all times.
at ˈtimessometimes 有时At times I wonder whether he’ll ever get a job.
be behind the ˈtimesbe old-fashioned in the way you live, work, think, etc. 落后于时代;过时;落伍You’re behind the times if you think a visit to the dentist has to be painful.
OPP be ahead of/before/in advance of your time
keep up, move, etc. with the ˈtimeschange in the same way as the rest of society changes 与时俱进;跟上时代In business it’s important to keep up with the times.
People’s tastes change with the times.
OPP be (stuck) in a time warp
at the ˈbest of timeseven when conditions are good 即使在最好的情况下This car does not go very fast at the best of times, and with four people in it, it will go a lot slower.这辆车在最好的情况下也开不了很快,要是坐四个人,就会更慢。fall on hard ˈtimesbecome poor 遭逢艰难时世;变穷She has fallen on hard times and hardly has enough money to live on.她的日子变得很艰难,几乎无法维持生计。ˌnine times out of ˈten ( ˌninety-nine ˌtimes out of a ˈhundred) almost always 十有八九;大抵;几乎总是Nine times out of ten our opponents will beat us. We just hope this is the one in ten.十有八九我们都会被对手打败,只希望这次是例外。Ninety-nine times out of a hundred she’s right about people but this time she was wrong.她对别人的看法十有八九都正确,不过这次她错了。for ˈold times’ sakebecause of pleasant memories of things you did together in the past 看在旧日的情分上;念及老交情I saw John Smith today. I hadn’t seen him for years. We had a drink together for old times’ sake.今天我遇见了约翰 ∙ 史密斯,多年不见了,想起以往的老交情,我们一起喝了一杯。I lent him the money for old times’ sake.念在旧日的交情,我把钱借给他了。(be) a ˌsign of the ˈtimessomething that shows the way the world is changing (是)时势,潮流,时代特征Seventy per cent of last year’s graduates are still unemployed — a sign of the times, I’m afraid.去年毕业的学生仍有 70% 没找到工作,这恐怕就是时代的特征吧。




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