

词组 small
释义 small /smɔːl/ SEE ALL
be grateful/thankful for small ˈmerciesbe happy that a bad situation is not even worse 庆幸已经糟糕的情况并未更糟The thieves took the TV and stereo but didn’t take any jewellery, so let’s be thankful for small mercies.
it’s a ˌsmall ˈworld (saying) used when you meet or hear about sb you know, in an unexpected place (用于感慨不期而遇或意外地听到某人的消息)世界真小It turns out that he’s a friend of my brother’s! It’s a small world, isn’t it?
look/feel ˈsmall ( feel ˈthat high) feel stupid, embarrassed or ridiculous in front of other people 显得/感觉矮人一截;显得/感到渺小;显得/觉得难为情Why did you tell everyone that I’d failed all my school exams? I felt so small.
Mrs Jones made him feel that high when she criticized his work in front of everybody.
NOTE When using the expression feel that high, you often use your thumb and finger to indicate something small. 使用 feel that high 这一表达法时,常以拇指及其他手指示意只有那么小。
small ˈbeer (BrE) (NAmE small poˈtatoes) something that has little importance or value 无足轻重的事物;无甚价值的东西Jacob earns about $40 000, but that’s small beer compared with his brother’s salary.
雅各布挣 40 000 美元左右,可是和他哥哥比起来不过是小巫见大巫。
a ˌsmall ˈfortune (informal) a lot of money 一大笔钱This house cost hardly anything when we bought it, but now it’s worth a small fortune.
ˈsmall fry (informal) people, groups or businesses that are not considered to be important or powerful 小鱼;不重要的人(或团体、企业等)These local companies are only small fry compared to the huge multinationals.
OPP a big name/noise/shot
the ˈsmall print (BrE) (NAmE the ˈfine print) the parts of a written agreement or legal contract that are printed in very small letters, but which may contain important information (协议或法律合同中重要的)小号字体印刷的附加条款,限制性附属细则Make sure you read the small print before signing the contract.
the small ˈscreen(the) television (when contrasted with cinema) 小银幕;电视(与电影相对而言)Cinema films reach the small screen very quickly these days.
(make) ˈsmall talk(take part in) polite conversation about unimportant things 闲聊;聊天Maria introduced me to her parents, and we sat there making small talk for a while.
the ˈsmall/ˈearly hours ( the wee (small) ˈhours) the period of time very early in the morning, soon after midnight 深夜,凌晨(指午夜刚过的一段时间)He died in the early hours of Saturday morning.他在星期六凌晨去世。We stayed up talking into the small hours.我们熬夜聊天,一直聊到午夜过后。in ˈlarge partin ˌno small ˈpart (formal) to a large extent 在很大程度上The speech was in large part an attack on the Prime Minister.这个演讲在很大程度上是对首相的攻击。She was in no small part responsible for the success of this company and we mustn’t forget that.这家公司的成功在很大程度上应归功于她,我们决不能忘记这一点。the still small ˈvoicethe voice of your conscience, especially when you are thinking of doing sth wrong or bad 良心的呼唤don’t sweat the ˈsmall stuff (NAmE, spoken) used to tell sb not to worry about small details or unimportant things 不要为鸡毛蒜皮的事伤脑筋do sth in a big/small ˈwaydo sth to a great/small extent; do sth on a large/small scale 大/小规模地做某事;大张旗鼓地/小打小闹地He’s got himself into debt in a big way.他负债累累。She collects antiques in a small way.她收藏点儿古董。it’s no/small/little ˈwonder (that)…it’s not surprising 不足为奇;并不奇怪If you walked all the way, it’s little wonder you’re late.如果你是一路走来的,那难怪你会迟到。‘The heating’s gone off.’ ‘I thought it was cold. No wonder!’“暖气停了。”“难怪这么冷!”




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