

词组 gauntlet
释义 gauntlet /ˈgɔːntlət/ SEE ALL
run the ˈgauntletbe attacked or criticized by many people at the same time 受到众人的攻击(或谴责);受围攻The Prime Minister’s car had to run the gauntlet of a large group of protesters outside the conference hall.
ORIGIN This phrase refers to an old army punishment where a man was forced to run between two lines of soldiers hitting him. 这个短语原指旧时军队的一种惩罚方式,受罚者被迫从两排士兵中间跑过,并受到他们的毒打。
take up the ˈgauntletaccept sb’s invitation to fight or compete 接受挑战;应战The country needs enormous help to rebuild its economy, and it’s time to take up the gauntlet and do what we can.
throw down the ˈgauntletinvite sb to compete with you; challenge sb 提出挑战They have thrown down the gauntlet to the Prime Minister by demanding a referendum.
OPP hold out/offer an olive branch (to sb) ORIGIN A gauntlet is a kind of glove. In medieval times a knight threw his gauntlet at the feet of another knight as a challenge to fight. If he accepted the challenge, the other knight would pick up the glove. * gauntlet 是中世纪骑士用的手套,挑战时掷于对方脚下,如果对方拾起手套即表示接受挑战。




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