this /ðɪs/► SEE ALLthis and thatthis is it ●ˌthis and ˈthat ( ˌthis, that and the ˈother) (informal) a number of different things形形色色的东西;各种各样的事情◆We talked about this and that for a while and then had dinner. 我们东拉西扯地谈了一会儿,然后就开始吃饭。●this is ˈit (informal) 1.said when you are agreeing that a point made by sb is important(用于赞同某人的观点)的确如此,就是这样◆‘People prefer their cars to public transport, you see.’ ‘Well, this is it.’ “你知道,人们更喜欢自己开车而不愿乘坐公共交通工具。”“啊,的确如此。”2.said when you have come to an important moment(用于到了重要时刻时)就是这话◆Well this is it, Mike. Good luck in Australia. Don’t forget to write… 好了,迈克,就是这话,祝你在澳大利亚走好运。别忘了写信…