释义 |
sign /saɪn/► SEE ALL(be) a sign of the timessign on the dotted linesign your own death warrantsign/take the pledge ●(be) a ˌsign of the ˈtimessomething that shows the way the world is changing (是)时势,潮流,时代特征◆Seventy per cent of last year’s graduates are still unemployed — a sign of the times, I’m afraid. 去年毕业的学生仍有 70% 没找到工作,这恐怕就是时代的特征吧。●sign on the dotted ˈline (informal) sign your name at the bottom of a contract and so agree to a deal, etc. 在签字处签上姓名;签名同意◆The job isn’t mine until I’ve signed on the dotted line. 只有我签了字这份工作才是我的。●sign your own ˈdeath warrantdo sth that results in your own death, defeat or failure 做出使自己丧命(或失败)的事;自寻毁灭◆By refusing to play pop music this new radio station is signing its own death warrant. 这家新成立的电台拒绝播放流行音乐,这是在自寻死路。●sign/take the ˈpledge (old-fashioned) promise never to drink alcohol 发誓戒酒◆He hasn’t been much fun since he took the pledge.自从他戒酒后就没那么有趣了。 ORIGIN In the nineteenth century there were anti-drinking campaigns, when people were encouraged to sign a promise (= a pledge) never to drink alcohol. * 19 世纪有反对饮酒的活动,鼓励人们签署保证书戒酒。 |