

词组 shut
释义 shut /ʃʌt/ SEE ALL
ˌput up or ˈshut up (especially BrE) used to tell sb to stop just talking about sth and actually do it, show it, etc. 要么拿出实际行动来,要么就闭嘴;动点儿真格的,别光耍嘴皮子Come on, Scott. Put up or shut up. Let’s see how fearless you really are.
shut sb’s ˈmouthstop sb from saying sth, especially from revealing a secret 封上某人的嘴巴(尤指不让其说出秘密)His employers tried to shut his mouth by offering him money, but he told the story to the newspapers anyway.
shut your ˈmouth/ˈtrap/ˈface/ˈgob! ( keep your ˈmouth/ˈtrap shut) (slang) a rude way of telling sb to be quiet or stop talking (用于粗暴地制止某人讲话)住口,闭嘴‘Shut your face’, Roger said, ‘or I’ll kick you out.’
Why can’t you learn to keep your big mouth shut?
NOTE Trap and gob are slang words for ‘mouth’. * trap 与 gob 都是俚语,意为“嘴巴”。
shut up ˈshop (BrE, informal) close a business permanently or stop working for the day 停业;关门;打烊The family ran a small grocer’s for years, but when the old man died they shut up shop.
It’s 6 o’clock — time to shut up shop and go home.
6 点了,该打烊回家了。
shut/close the ˈdoor on sthmake it unlikely that sth will happen; refuse to consider an idea, a plan, etc. 拒…于门外;把…的门堵死;对(想法、计划等)不加考虑I think this company should remain open to ideas and not shut the door on change.我认为这家公司应该对某些想法持开明态度,而不应关上改革的大门。She was careful not to close the door on the possibility of further talks.她十分注意留下进一步商谈的余地。shut/close your ˈears to sb/sthrefuse to listen to sb/sth; ignore sb/sth 拒绝听;对…充耳不闻;忽视The government has shut its ears to our protests.政府对我们的抗议不加理睬。shut/close your ˈeyes to sthpretend that you have not noticed sth so that you do not have to deal with it 闭眼不看;对…视而不见;装作不知My son has his faults — and I’ve never closed my eyes to them — but dishonesty isn’t one of them.我儿子是有缺点 - 我也从来没有假装看不见 - 但他绝不会不诚实。Politicians seemed to be shutting their eyes to corruption in the police force.政客们似乎对警察队伍中的腐败现象视而不见。(be able to do sth) with your ˈeyes shut/closed(be able to do sth) very easily, especially because you have done it many times before (尤指由于熟悉)闭着眼睛也可以(做某事);毫不费力;轻车熟路She’s driven up to Scotland so often that she can do it with her eyes shut.她已经开车去过苏格兰不知多少次,所以现在就是闭着眼睛也能开到。shut/lock/close the stable door after the horse has ˈbolted (BrE) (NAmE shut, etc. the barn door after the horse has eˈscaped) take action to prevent sth bad from happening after it has already happened 马跑了才去关厩门;贼走关门Last week all their silver was stolen; this week they’re putting in a burglar alarm! That’s really shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.上星期他们的银器全被偷走了,这星期他们才安装防盗报警器!这可真是马跑了才去关厩门。




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